22 1/2 months post op and experiencing bouts of lightheadedness

The past 2 to 3 days, I had a backache that was in the middle of my back just about right below my shoulder blades. Today, this backache is almost not noticable anymore and giving me no problems at all...BUT, earlier I became very lightheaded..and it has continued for the past 4 and on. I also notice that when I am standing up I feel as if I am going to tip over and I have to regain my balance slightly..this is also accompanied by slight muscle weakness..and extreme if I haven't slept at all in a few days. If anyone has experienced these symptoms and has any info about what could be causing this or how to get rid of it...please let me know! Thanks so much!    — Becky F. (posted on June 29, 2003)

June 29, 2003
Have you had your blood levels checked lately? Low iron? Low blood sugar? Low blood pressure? Could be anything. I wouldn't wait but try to see your doc asap to get a handle on this. We don't want you fainting while driving or something! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

June 29, 2003
Back pain and dizziness sounds like you could have a kidney infection. Call your doctor either way! You could be dehydrated too. Better safe than sorry with a call to your doc. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

June 29, 2003
I agree you should see your PCP about this..could be so many things (dehydration, low-blood pressure, an infection, gall bladder issues, etc.).
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 29, 2003
Should also check into hypoglycemia... it you were hyperglycemic pre-op, you could have the opposite issues now.
   — kultgirl

June 30, 2003
I don't know if the backaches and dizziness are related, but you should get some blood tests done and maybe just a check-up if you haven't had one lately. 13 months out and now hvav very low blood pressure, usually 90/60, so I am often dizzy or light-headed, and getting up fast from sitting or lying down is the worst- usually a sign of low BP. The only thing my doctors suggested was adding salt and water. Feel better :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

June 30, 2003
This could be so many different things, each requiring medical attention. I don't have the pain but the fatigue if I don't get enough protein in. Yours sounds more serious than just that. What about iron or potassium deficiancies? Get to a doctor and hopefully one that will do bloodwork. Take care!
   — Diane S.

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