Numbness below the knees and feet?

I had RNY surgery on 6/25/03. 5 days post-op, I noticed my right leg feeling a little numb in the calf area. On day 6 post-op, I went for a walk around the small block of our neighborhood. As I was approaching our home, I was struggling to get back as I noticed numbness in my legs from the knees down and in my toes on both feet. The numbness lasted the rest of the evening, and was gone the next day. Day 8 post-op, I noticed it again, in my right leg, while in the car. Is this normal? What would cause this?    — Tonya P. (posted on July 4, 2003)

July 4, 2003
I had considerable numbness following my surgery 8/15/02. It lasted a couple of months, but then went away. Mine was a side effect of how I was positioned on the table during surgery. It's best to check with your surgeon though, just to make sure something else isn't going on.
   — Cathy S.

July 4, 2003
Please get this checked by a dr to be sure it is not the very beginning of a vitamin deficiency. Take care of you.
   — snicklefritz

July 5, 2003
I'm not an alarmist or a doctor, but sometimes leg numbness can be a sign of a blood clot--- clots are not good things! You really need to get checked out ASAP.
   — SteveColarossi

July 5, 2003
This probably is nothing.....BUT you need to get your butt to the DR ASAP DON'T put it off not ONE SECOND! This could be a blood clot! Better to be safe and it be nothing than be sorry! PLEASE go to the DR! Diana
   — Diana W.

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