How amny days on average did you stay in for your Lap?

Also, what did you do with your hair? Did a lot of people visit? I know this is silly, but my hair is the only thing that I still like about my looks.    — Michele B. (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
I had surgery at 8 a.m. and was released at 5 the next day. I was SOOOOOOOO ready to go home and get some rest. I took a shower the morning after surgery and I don't remember WHAT I did with my hair. LOL That was the least of my concerns. :) Good luck!
   — Cheryl M.

July 8, 2003
I had surgery at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday and was released at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday...I ran home from that hosital...(not really!)...Hair? They put a net on your head and you wake up with bed everyone else in the hospital! You'll be fine and focusing on something like your hair is normal...I focused on my boobs!! lol! Good luck!
   — msmaryk

July 8, 2003
I had lap RNY last Thursday (7/3) at 8:30a and was released at 2p on Saturday (7/5). My hair is cut very short so I didn't do a thing to it. They put it in a surgery cap, so that stayed on until I came back to my room.
   — Gail G.

July 9, 2003
I had my LAP on August 28, 2003. My surgery was at 1:45 and I was released the next day as soon as my leak test came back. This was a Thursday to Friday, by Monday I felt great. I am down 108 and still losing. Best of Luck!
   — Linda K.

July 9, 2003
I am 47 years old, had lap RNY on 10/29/02 and went home on 10/31/02. My husband had lap RNY on 4/9/03 and went home on 4/10/03. I have short hair and I was able to shower and wash my hair on the day after surgery. Neither my husband nor I was in very long, and so didn't have many visitors (other than a multitude of residents and medical students). I really didn't care what my hair looked like, as long as it wasn't sticking out all over!
   — koogy

July 9, 2003
Surgery was on Tues., July 1 @ 7 AM, went home around noon on Fri., July 4. I was able to shower and wash my hair the day after surgery. I didn't care what I looked like because I was in the hospital, in pain, with tubes and wires attached here and there. Visitors expect you not to look great, lol! One thing I did do was bring my own short set pj's from Lane Bryant. They are made of a satin material and just make you feel and look like you are rich, lol! Every nurse commented on how nice they looked. I took a shower everyday, but the first day it's helpful to have someone in the bathroom with you to pick up dropped soap, and open shampoo bottles while you have the IV in your arm. Helping you dry off also is nice, because it's hard to reach down to your legs or around to your back. Plus you may not be real steady.
   — Liz R.

July 12, 2003
I had my lap surgery Wednesday July 2nd and my husband went in after me on the same day. He got out on Sunday July 6th I stayed in one day more until Monday July 7th. My B-Day was July 6th what a great B-Day present I got myself this year the best!! As far as hair went I have short hair but after three days or so I was very happy to take a shower. I just had family come and visit me and one new WLS friend who worked in that hospital as a nurse so she new what she would find. But really people that come and visit you in the hospital are coming to see YOU not someone who is all dolled up. Don't worry about it just brush your hair and if its long tie it back. Hope you feel lots better soon.
   — Dorothy N.

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