Swollen hands, feet legs, it is edema and what do I do?

Lately I have been waking up and my hands and feet feel tight and hurt a little. I have troubles zipping up zippers (and not just cuz my belly is in the way!). Its not like arthritis, but more like they are tight with swelling. Whats going on? I have surgery in 10 days, on July 22nd. Is there any thing I should worry about that may cause a complication? Nothing has come up in testing. Any answers would be appreciated.    — candylnd24 (posted on July 12, 2003)

July 12, 2003
This sounds like edema and you might want to check with your surgeon to see if they want to put you on a diuretic until surgery. I had terrible edema before surgery and rarely have any problems now.
   — Patty_Butler

July 12, 2003
All the symptoms you describe are signs of dehydration also. Are you getting enough water?We need a min of 64 oz a day. I awas told by dietician who did a weight calculation and said I needed to drink at least 80 oz. Try upping your water intake. I used to get the same thying and when I drink more water and I cut back on salt, it went away. See a doc just to be sure.
   — snicklefritz

July 13, 2003
Both Jack and Patty are correct. I have edema which causes swelling in my feet and legs to the point that even the skin hurts. I take a diuretic for that every day and that controls the swelling. However, if I do not get enough water one day, my ankles still swell; my body tries to hold on to the water I have if I'm not giving it enough. One precaution however: if your hands start swelling, see a doctor immediately as that could be a sign of congestive heart failure. I don't mean to scare you; if your hands are not swolen, then you are most likely experiencing dehydration (which requires more water intake) or standard edema (which requires a diuretic). Good Luck in your WLS journey. Peace to you.
   — Beth B.

July 13, 2003

   — sissie S.

July 13, 2003
I have had edema problems off and on for years. I'm 2 months away from surgery. My feet, ankles and lower calves have been swelling pretty badly the last couple of months. Hot weather makes it worse, and the fact that my weight is very high for me right now. My doctor prescribed a diuretic, but it doesn't help much. I bought compression knee-highs at a medical supply store, and they are helpful. I usually wear them to work every day. I also have increased my water intake significantly, and have lowered carbs and raised protein intake. That is helping also. Walking helps a little. Neither my PCP or my surgeon's PA has suggested that this could be a problem during or after surgery. I think their normal protocol of using the compression stockings after surgery will help to take care of any potential clotting. Good luck with your surgery.
   — Carlita

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