New post-op, needing support

I am three weeks out from surgery. So far, so good. I don't mind the little bit I eat, I worry that I am not getting even 300 clories a day. Water intake is great. I went to go join Curves tonight and did the work-out. I was two machines away from finishing and had to stop. I felt dizzy. I felt dizzy well after driving home too. I came home, fell on my bed and could not stop crying. Nothing makes me feel more fat, unhealthy, weak, and overwhelmed emotionally and physically than when I exercise. I think I did too much, but I feel so badly about myself when I am finished working out. I always have, that is why I hate to exercise. I think positive strong thoughts when I am in the gym, but when I leave, I fall apart. I joined the gym anyways, because I know that even though I feel this way, I still have to go on exercising regularly. Can anyone relate? I still feel like crying.    — Michele B. (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
gyms and such are not for everyone. You don't have to kill yourself to exercise. Try walking! It's wonderful and you don't feel like you have a regimin you have to complete (like the circuit at the gym). If you want weights, they sell nifty little ankle and wrist weights you can use while you walk :>) Personally at this early out, with your limited intake of foods and fluids AND the intense heat of summer, I really don't think you should be quite so gung ho yet. Go for a walk and cheer up WILL get better!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
Hi Michele, You are still pretty new post op. Remember you are still getting used to not eatting, and just all the changes that you are going through. Try some walking, or some swimming. This is what I started with (7 weeks out) It will get better. <P> I think some of it may be you have low self esteam, this too will improve as the weight comes off. Keep up the great work that you are doing. Christina
   — Christina B.

July 31, 2003
I am 9 weeks out and I was only getting 400-600 calories a day and at 4 weeks out I stopped losing weight....And I didn't lose again until I started eating and that was week 8! So I went 4 weeks w/out losing and I was walking a mile about 4 days a week and doing weight training. I don't get hungry...ever. I have to just eat when I know I should be eating. If you drink protein shakes they will help you feel better also. You will faint if you keep working out and you are only eating 300 calories a day! Your body burns 1200 just to live every day. Good luck, I went through the same thing and I now realize that I have to eat sometimes.
   — Mindy B.

July 31, 2003
honey if i were there i would hug you (and i'm not the hugging kind lol)! take it easy on yourself. you just had a major surgery. if you want to workout so soon try walking or swimming, it's much safer on a healing body. and when you lose some of the weight you will have more energy to workout at the gym. remember your human..not super woman (atleast not yet lol)
   — franbvan

July 31, 2003
michelle, you should be soo proud of urself, there are alot of people such as myself that are too lazy to go to the gym when i know i need to make efforts to better urself and deserve a pat on the back...dont feel discouraged k and keep up the good me in the end you will feel better about all this..hugs
   — Deanna Wise

July 31, 2003
Oh Michele, I am sorry that you are having such a hard time. But you can be proud of yourself for being so afraid to work out and doing it anyway. It's more than most people do, and it took a lot of courage. What you are feeling is normal for someone who's just been through such a life-altering event, and you are still dealing with the effects of anaesthesia, which by itself is known often to cause depression. Plus you are weak both from the surgery and from your post op diet. Please don't give up. I promise that while it takes time, it does get better. Perhaps you need to take a break from the gym--give yourself permission to take this weekend off from exercising and focus instead on getting as well-hydrated as you can and getting in your protein(dizziness can be a symptom of dehydration or low blood sugar). It doesn't feel this way now, but soon this misery will be a distant memory. I'll be sending good thoughts your way. Cheers-
   — gamboge

July 31, 2003
Michele, be kind to yourself. At least you're trying to exercise, and that's more than i'm doing. Things do get better, I promise. I'm 9 weeks post op and I've never felt better in my life. Be patient. Hugs from across the miles, Linda
   — lorien

July 31, 2003
Hi Michele. Just wanted to say that you are three weeks out from major, and MAJOR is an understatement, surgery. Take it slow and give your body time to heal. You are doing great, to be honest I did not even think about exercise until I was a few months post-op. Keep it up and take it slow. You will be fine, keep your head up girlie! The tears will go away soon enough too :)
   — Laureace A.

July 31, 2003
You will see how quickly you build up your ability to do the workout. If you could do the entire circuit yesterday while still recovering from major surgery, think of how bored you would be in a month!!! I upped my exercise slowly. When I had my surgery 9 1/2 months ago, I was walking. When I stopped losing weight, I started playing tennis. When I stopped losing again, I joined the gym, just last week. I started out only being able to do 6 minutes on the elliptical trainer. After one week I can do 12 minutes and I will work my way up to 30 minutes over the next month or two. It's a process. Don't expect to be able to conquer the world.....yet : )
   — Yolanda J.

July 31, 2003
You are an inspiration to me for going to the gym when you knew it would be "challenging" - to say the least. Maybe it would help you to consider all the different kinds of exercise available - I have had great success in the past using tapes at home. I've done Richard Simmons, yoga, circuit training - there are tons available! I like them because I don't feel self-conscious doing them by myself. Thanks so much for your brave post - I'm very much in need of getting back to exercise (PLATEAU CITY) and you've definately motivated me! Give yourself a very big break - recovering from anesthesia alone can make you major crazy! Best of luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 1, 2003
I joined curves at 6 weeks post-op with my Dr.'s blessing, prior to that my only form of excerise was walking. You are only 3 weeks out, most people aren't even going to work yet alone doing a work-out. Give your body a couple of more weeks to heal, for now, walk a couple of blocks. Add a block each day. You will find that drinking your fluids, eating a bit more and having more energy will be right around the corner. It's a process and you want to start healthy habits you can maintain for life. If it feels overwhelming and makes you feel so badly about yourself will you really be able to enjoy it for the health of it? Now is the time to get in tune with your body, that's what this tool is all about, learning to listen to what your body needs. I think yours is saying to drop it a notch. If you want, continue with Curves, but do once around for a week or two, then two rounds..... In six months everyone at curves is going to just go bonkers at your progress, and so will you!!!! I found that (pre-surgery) I tended to over-do things and burn my-self out and quit, or if I didn't go for a week (kids I would quit. But now I know that if life gets in the way, I just pick it up again 1...2...or even 3 weeks later. It's a process, this time the weight will come off, but the long term results are dependent on what you learn (and retain) through your first year. What we retain at that point is up to us. Keep your chin up, each month just gets better!
   — Dana B.

August 1, 2003
My Dr. gave the go ahead for exercise at 6 weeks out. I went to the gym and joined, hiring a trainer for a few sessions to learn how to use the equipment, nothing heavy duty. I did not exercise pre-op, and hadn't in 15 years. Anyway, I scared the trainer when I had to sit down, getting really dizzy. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and was pretty ok after that, but believe me, considering you are only 3 weeks, you are fine. It absolutely is overwhelming to get into a routine, figure out what to eat and drink, etc.. At your stage, I was just going back to work, not doing stairs as often as usual, and got driven to work. Hold off a few weeks and see how it goes. I started with the treamill and worked my way up to a fuller routine. I hate exercising, and I think I always will, but I see the surgery, diet, vitamins and exercise as all part of the success formula. Look at it as medicine and you'll just get resignede to it. I know it's not a magic answer, but it put me in the frame of mind to go 3x a week for approx. 90 minutes. Best of luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

August 1, 2003
Michele, you're doing fine. Your body is still healing, and that's where your energy is going. At three weeks out from my surgery, I was still weak and tired very easily. It was all I could do to get up, get dressed, go to my desk job, and go home at the end of the day! You've done a great thing for YOU by taking control of your health and your life. It's a huge change, but change is easier if you don't overwhelm yourself with too much at once. Take baby steps. When I went back to Curves for the first time after my surgery (4 weeks out), I only went around the circuit once, and then worked my way up to the regular circuit over the course of a week. And try to be nicer to yourself--it's hard now, but things will improve with time, I promise. Hang in there, treat yourself with TLC, and know that you can come here any time you need support.
   — Maggie T.

August 1, 2003
Give yourself a big pat on the back for getting out there and exercising. But don't get down on yourself for getting dizzy or not finishing. Remember you just had MAJOR surgery. I have been walking walking since I got home from the hospital, but didn't start treadmill walking until 4-5 weeks. I can't stand the thought of going to the gym yet - maybe after I lose some more weight (I'm down 47 lbs in 12 weeks). I'm up to 40 minutes on the treadmill, but I need to start working out with weights. I have several hand weights and tapes and books, so I can do it right here at home. A Curves opened down the street so I may look into that since I believe it's women only, right? At 52 and in the shape I'm in, I'm not interested in working out in front of men just yet. Good luck to you, and don't overdo. Betsy in NC 237/190/130 Lap RNY 5/7/03 Dr. James Harris Wilmington, NC
   — Betsy C.

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