I never got my script for lovenox filled....

Should I do it now? I am 9 days out today from open RNY. Should I bother to fill the script now????????    — teresaxxxx (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
Call the doctor and tell him you did not fill it. He gave you that to help prevent blood clots. Personally, I would have been popping them like Tic Tacs.:) I was spooky about the clots.
   — Kelly P.

August 6, 2003
Why in the world would you not get it filled? Blood clots can happen months after surgery. people on here two and three months out have died from blood clots. Don't mean to scare you but shame on you.
   — Delores S.

August 6, 2003
Delores, Thanks just what I needed a reprimand for forgetting something. THANKS-now my mood is much better!
   — teresaxxxx

August 6, 2003
It probably wouldn't hurt to let the Doctor's office know. I only had 4 of the 10 shots and told the Doctor's office I wasn't going to continue them because of all the pain they were causing me. I have endometriosis and it brought on the worst menstral cycle I've ever had! The pain was truly unbearable! The office had NO problem with me stopping them. They just told me to walk every couple of hours to keep the blood circulating. I'm sure you'll be just fine as long as you keep walking!
   — Shelly R.

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