Has anyone had a lump on their sternum

I have just recently noticed a small soft lump, like a cotton ball, on top of my sternum. It sits right where the breast bones meet. It is slightly painful if touched. I didn't have it before rny..any ideas??    — lyn H. (posted on September 4, 2003)

September 4, 2003
I believe that you are talking about the "xiphoid process". Here's a site that points out the location - <p> The xiphoid (pronounced "zy'-foid") process is a teardrop-shaped bone which articulates with the body of the sternum at the xiphisternal joint. This process anchors the rectus abdominis, the transverse thoracic, and the diaphragm muscles, responsible for much of the muscular expansion and contraction of the abdomen.
   — John Rushton

September 4, 2003
i have the same thing. i have gotten 2 different doc. opinions. then i had an x-ray and sono. finally i went to my surgen he knew right way that it is a suture that he puts in for the surgery, with a little scar tissue formed around it. he said it is very easy to remove it and offered to remove it in his office. hope this helps.
   — cindy T.

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