Does anyone else really dislike the way they look naked ????

I've had a tummy tuck so I'm OK with that area, but my hips, butt and thighs have visable cellulite and I can't afford any more plastic surgery right now. I wear a size 10 and I look ok in clothes, but naked, I think I look DISGUSTING!!!! I see so many "problem areas" and I wish I had the money to have more plastic surgery done. Does anyone else feel like they're still unsatisfied with the way they look even though they've lost 100+ lbs? I am at goal, but want to lose 10 more. thanks. :) ps..I do exercise, but it's not helping those areas.    — michelle T. (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003

   — Jazzy

September 15, 2003
Hi, maybe if you look at the whole picture of yourself as a great human being, you won't have time to zero in on the "tough spots". Honestly...I have lost 170 pounds. My thighs are just completely loose skin, so is my stomach, breast, and the wings under my arms. To me they are my badge of courage and greatfullness to being where I am today. That is able to walk without a cane, able to have a life. Sometimes we focus too much on the physical and not enough on the spiritual. You are a great human being with much more potential than embrace the parts of yourself that you are "disgusted" by and begin to appreciate the fact that at least they work. Best wishes and wow..I wish I wore a size 10....take care.
   — Karen Renee

September 15, 2003
Hi- Sometimes I fall into this "appearance" trap, too. Isn't it funny how we all neglected our health and our "trouble spots" for so long (bad enough to qualify for WLS) and then once we lose weight, we cared too much about appearance? Sometimes, even though everyone tells me how great I look, I still only see all the fat or loose skin and not what I have accomplished. It's very hard to balance these feelings, too, because though we had surgery for health reasons, somewhere along the line, it changed into "having to look better". So, yes, I dislike my body sometimes and think about plastic surgery or that I should look better after losing 100+ pounds. However, I suspect for me, it might be more of an INSECURITY issue, rather than a true dislike of my tummy shape or my saggy butt. I had insecurities and some self esteem issues before surgery - which were all about being heavy. Now that I'm no longer obese, I have found something else to feel bad sagging body. It's more of a mental thing - which will be harder to change than a saggy butt, but a positive outlook towards myself will be worth more in the long run than having the perfect body. Food for thought...PS - I still might consider plastic surgery in the future, who knows?!
   — toolio

September 15, 2003
Hi Michelle- I think we as women in general have a problem with how our bodies look. I have many friends who are not overweight, or only slightly overweight. I can't think of one of them (over the age of 21, LOL) who likes how she looks naked. I wish the media would portray more *real* women publically, or put out a disclaimer such as on infomercials: "Warning, this supermodel has had hair extensions, peroxide highlights, cheekbone enhancement, nose job, jaw sculpting, botox injections, teeth bleaching, colagen lip injection, facelift, armlift, thighlift, buttlift, anywhere you can think of lift, breast implants, nipple reassignment, and lipo on all body parts not ending with an X. Results not typical, your mileage may vary." LOL Think how far you've come, Michelle! Good Luck, Mea :o)
   — Mea A.

September 15, 2003
Did you have pictures of yourself naked before you did your surgery? If so pull them out and compare and I'll bet you won't think you look so bad now.
   — Denise B.

September 15, 2003
Being a size 12 person in a size 3X skin I look pretty repulsive nekked, however, I look great dress and wearing long sleeves. I try to focus on my lower cholesterol, normal blood pressure etc when I start feeling bummed out about my wrinkly hanging skin.
   — **willow**

September 15, 2003
I have to agree with Mea on this one. I don't think I know of even ONE woman, surgery or not that likes the way her body looks naked. But I do think Denise had a great suggestion. The only problem with that is......all of the Morbidly Obese people I have ever known (myself included) wouldn't be caught dead posing for a normal picture, let alone a NAKED one! YIKES! * I shudder just at the thought of it!*
   — Laurel C.

September 15, 2003
It's amazing - I came out of the shower this morning and went 'yeck! I know I am only five pounds to goal, but all I can see is the sagging skin and bulges and I think I still have a long ways to go. I don't feel thin because of this. I am hoping I will adjust. Having said that, I am extremely grateful for having had the chance to have the surgery and gain back my life. Kathy 215/135/130 2/10/03 open rny
   — kathyb

September 15, 2003
naked... yuck! i look like i need to be i've lost 103 lbs tho, and couldn't be happier. last weekend my grandchild and myself were at the mall, i was trying on my FIRST pair of real jeans (no elastic waist) in a size ten!!! my 9 year old grand daughter looked at my thighs and said: mimi, your legs are so wrinkly. to which i said: oh, that's just the price of beauty. lol, her response: you paid for that ?!?!? out of the mouths of babes.
   — Karen D.

September 15, 2003
Yeah, I look great in clothes and then I take off my pants and see my sharpei inner thighs and I just want to barf!! Unfortunately, I can't afford the approximate $7500 to get them fixed so I just keep them covered up and try not to look at them much!!
   — Patty H.

September 16, 2003
I know what you mean. I'm horrified when I look at my naked body. I'm still 30+ pounds over goal (never will get there now). Even if I got to goal I'd look bad after losing 160 lbs (current) and all the lose skin. At least I don't have to carry all the extra weight. I doubt Blue Choice Option would pay for a full body lift which is what is needed. But I try to look at the bright side: I've lost 160 lbs which my knees don't have to carry, and even though I'm overweight I'm not self concious of being in a crowd anymore. I have a hell of alot more self confidence than I've had in 25 years! In some ways my health is better and in other ways it is'nt. At least I don't have to worry about being seen naked as I've never had any relationships. So unless my dog or cats start laughing at me in all my naked glory, I'm safe. If anyone looks out their window and sees a flying cat or dog, then you'll know mine laughed at me and I gave them the boot and a free flying lesson. lol
   — Danmark

September 16, 2003
I too were/am at the point you are which is why I will be having a lower body lift in two weeks. I see so many posts about how people look now, but the truth is(at least in my eyes) is that I looked better naked with the skin (filled) and looking healthy rather than it sagging, and looking like I've aged 40 years in 1 year. I thank God every day for allowing me to have this surgery so that I didnt have to be on insulin or in a wheelchair by the time I was 40. And I was very "different" when I was heavy. I NEVER had low self-esttem, and was ALWAYS the life of the party, and always was BEST DRESSED no matter what size. I embraced every part of me before surgery, and had other plastic surgeries as well.I see so many posts by people saying its a "mark of beauty" or "badge of honor" for where you've been.Truthfully, you all can have the badge, dont really need one to be thankful, because I'll always have the memories. Whether you be a size 0 and still have something you want to "change" you are entitled to it.I'm having a lower body lift because I DESERVE it,I dont like the way I look naked, and I'm doing something about it. Your body is all you have.You wouldnt buy a house and not make repairs on it, or buy a car and not get the oil changed or tune ups would you?Enjoy yourself, you and your body will be together for a LOOOONG time.And I say if you dont like something change it, and strive for something better, that would make YOU feel good and CONFIDENT ABOUT YOU.My advice...focus on you and only you foremost, and always remember you can be gorgeous with the perfect face/body everything, and some people will still not like you. The MOST WRONGFUL thing you can do is to change something about yourself, for the validation,or for the pleasure of others.
   — Miko P.

September 16, 2003
I know hardly anybody likes how they look naked, but just remember, beauty isn't in our thighs, its in our hearts, and our minds. :-)
   — Katrina K.

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