Sorry, but there's no delicate way of putting this

I'm 8.5 weeks post op, and nearly on a 3 week plateau. I've noticed that my bowell movement quantity seems to far exceed the amount I eat. I'm not eating much at all. Anyone else had this puzzling experience?    — Sandy A. (posted on October 17, 2003)

October 17, 2003
Yep, I am constantly astounded by what comes out as opposed to what I put in.
   — Cosmo K.

October 17, 2003
Yes, oh yes. Guess that's where all those pounds go. LOL Lisa -95 and counting
   — MissPriss

October 17, 2003
it was my wake up call... so this is what malabsorbtion is all about...
   — MF

October 17, 2003
Well, I am 8 weeks out to and was logging to ask the same question!! I am totally amazed at how often I "go". I wish I could pee as much as I "poop". I barely eats anything but IT STILL COMES! I will keep checking to see if some explains this mystery. I would ask my doctor but I always call with crazy questions like this.
   — Jennifer H.

October 17, 2003
Sandy- A few things to consider. First, I don't know of anyone who has had the same experience you are describing-- not that it doesn't happen, but just that I have yet to hear of anyone else complaining of it. In fact, if you had a standard issue RNY, the malapsorption is minor so you should be processing what you are eating and pooping proportional to your intake. I know that, until about my 10th month, I only needed to go a few times a week (what a time-saver!) Also, what caught my eye in your posting was that you also describe being on a three-week plateau; this seems long particularly at 8.5 weeks. It could be that you are not getting in enough protein (which would slow down weight loss) or getting too many carbs (which would also slow down weight loss); possibly, if this is happening to you, it could explain the increase in bowel movements (particuarly if you are staying hydrated (after all, the starches in your intestine will be absorbing some of the fluid, expanding and making you feel as if you need to go more often). You might want to keep a food journal for a few days to help guide you over this plateau-- also, it could help your surgeon in evaluating your frequent bowel movements. Good luck!
   — SteveColarossi

October 17, 2003
Hi folks. I've posted an answer to this question before as the same question keeps coming up, but that is okay because most of you are new and are still learning. But the answer to that question is this: <p>You are burning up a lot of fat early in your post-op experience. As your body metabolizes the fat, it generates waste. It doesn't all just go "poof" into thin air and disappear. It has to be eliminated like all waste. Your body is breaking down fat particles at break-neck speed right now and it is coming out through your breath (ketosis causes halitosis), through the pores in your skin, through your urine and through your bowel movements. Enjoy it while it lasts, dear ones. Those bowel movements translate into pounds lost. LOL!
   — artistmama

October 17, 2003
Yep... I had the exact same experience early I've gone the extreme other direction and have to take meds just to go....but the reason I wanted to answer was regarding the comment on plateaus this should not feel you are doing anything wrong! I had my first three week plateau at two weeks, and I'm in my third week of a plateau now (at 12 weeks)... my surgeon explains that our weight loss should be viewed as a huge staircase going down, a series of steps and landings, not a slide! You're doing fine, I"m sure!
   — Kelly B.

October 17, 2003
I am 8 months out, and am down 101 pounds. I have the same experience, and always wondered why. I also don't understand how come I am not losing 2 pounds a day the way I go. Sorry to be gross!!
   — Fixnmyself

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