Is it possible to stay the same weight, but gain INCHES?

I am 20 months post op, and have noticed my clothes fitting differently - a little more snug in the waist & thighs - but I weigh weekly, and my weight is staying the same. I walk about two to three times a week, why is this happening? Anyone have this happen?    — michelle T. (posted on October 27, 2003)

October 27, 2003
If you are building muscle in your thighs, yes you could gain inches. Weight often redistributes itself.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2003
I'm almost 2 years post-op, and recently have noticed that my waist has increased in inches, but my thighs have decreased in inches, all while remaining the same weight. After I quit losing, I had a few-pound gain, lost a little after that, then it has stabilized. Now it seems as if my body is 'morphing' back to the apple shape that I am supposed to be?! That is the only way I can explain what I've got going on. I miss having a waist! I see a tummy tuck in my future.
   — Cheri M.

October 27, 2003
Funny you should say that! I am 20 months post-op and have the exact same thing going on. My weight is stable and my waist has not gotten bigger, but my thighs have.
   — ZaZa F.

October 27, 2003
Exercise will build muscle and that can increase size and sometimes add in some pounds. Not that my old pre-surgery body would know anything about this. Exercise is a dirty word to me at this point because of my fibromyalgia.
   — Arizona_Sun

October 28, 2003
I'm the original poster. Thanks for the replys. I DID already have a tummy tuck, but it's still happening. I find myself moving up a size, which I absolutely HATE! I'm so upset, and even this morning, I weighed myself and was actually down a pound but still filling out my pants!!! I even have a little "roll" over the top of my pants know and have no idea where the heck it came from!!! If I'm gaining fat, why hasn't the scale gone up? Seems really crazy to me. Guess I have to go back to "dieting" to drop a size and firm up again. Yuck.
   — michelle T.

October 28, 2003
Could you be swelling due to the tummy tuck? I skimmed your profile and you had it in March, right? From what I've read, it can take up to a full year for everything to heal. If this is a recent thing, have you done any kind of abdominal workouts that could have kinda "shocked" your muscles and caused them to swell a little? Could you be retaining water? I used to hear these thin women complain about bloating and how their pants were too tight. I couln't exactly identify with them since my pants were constantly too tight!! But once we are closer to normal size, weight fluctations can show up with a lot smaller increments. When I weighed 250, 5 pounds was nothing, but if I were to gain or lose 5 pounds at 160, I would notice in the way my pants fit.
   — Ali M

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