Dang!!! i keep getting recurrent canker sores under lips! OUCH!

I get these canker sores between my lips and teeth, usually where the gum meets the lips. Seems more frequent since surgery. They are so painful, food becomes more unappealing. What really causes these sores? Anyone know the medical answer? Can I prevent them?    — candylnd24 (posted on October 27, 2003)

October 27, 2003 <BR><BR> LOTS of information on the above site. Definitely worth checking out.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2003
I was getting them on my tongue something terrible. I was in so much pain it would wake me up all night. I discovered that it can be a side effect of B12 deficiency. Now when I get them, I give myself my B12 shot, and they are completely gone within 24 hours.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2003
I don't know the cause of the cancer sores but you can buy Lysine ointment to apply directly to the sore, it numbs it and helps heal them quickly. My dentist recommended it to me.
   — Carolyn B.

October 28, 2003
Well, technically "canker sores", i.e. "cold sores" are Herpes Syplex 1, which will never go away. Certain things cause outbreaks, such as stress and common colds. Abreva(I think that's what it's called)is a good over the counter medication, but prescriptions work best, in my own opinion.
   — Leslie L.

October 28, 2003
I seem to remember my mom telling me years ago that canker sores are a result of lack of vitamin C. My mom was a big reader of Prevention, so she probably got her info from the magazine.
   — ChristineB

October 28, 2003
I have gotten these since I was in high school and was told by my doctor at the time that acidic foods/drinks can cause them to flare up. Tomatoes was usually my problem (tomatoe juice, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, etc.), however banana's would do it too as well as cola's. Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

October 28, 2003
Oops Sorry Leslie but canker sores and cold sores are NOT the same thing (cold sores and fever blisters are the same). Canker sores don't open and crust over like a cold sore. Canker sores also don't give you that tinkling feeling that cold sores have when they start to develop. A canker sore can come from a varitey of things from eating something with too much acid like tomatoes, vitamin problems or too much stress. I worked with a lady who suffered horribly from canker sores for many many months. She had them all over her tounge, the inside of her mouth and down her throat. The only thing that made them go away was quitting her job. She hasn't had one since.
   — Kathy J.

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