Could it be stretched???

I had my surgery on 5/30/02. I weighed 277.8 prior to surgery and now am goal(my surgeon's goal). I weigh 137. I want to weigh 126. I have been having some strong craving's lately. I feel I can eat more at each meal and no longer have a dumping syndrome when I eat small amounts of sweets. I used to be able tojust look at a piece of candy or sweet and dump it. Now I can eat it and nothing happens. My deterent system is failing me. I feel some of those old habits and ways of thinking creeping back into my life. I have been so successful, how do I continue to do so? Is ti normal for me to eat larger amounts of food at meal times? I continue to follow the pouch rules as before. Will this help me not stretch my pouch? I am discouraged, and need some pick-me-ups!!!!    — jharriesimrn (posted on November 3, 2003)

November 4, 2003
I have read on this board that you can not stretch your pouch, that eventually over time our stomach begins to work better and there for we can consume larger amounts... I wouldn't start to worry unless your weight starts to creep back up... Eat healthy and stay fit! You're doing great! Take Care
   — baybekmbrly

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