I have only lost 7 lbs. in the last month, need support

I have been extrememly pleased with my sesults up until tonight. I keep great track of my weightloss and inches lost every month on my computer. I am a week from being 4 months out. I have only lost 7 lbs. The first month I lost 26 lbs. the 2nd I lost 18, and the 3rd, I lost 17. A total of 68 lbs. I figured I would at least lose 15 a month, or 10, but what is happening? I work out at Curves 3-4 times a week and do the ab rocker every night. I eat 75-85% protein daily, without issues. Help! Still have 40 to go.    — Michele B. (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 3, 2003
With "only" 108 pounds or so to lose, we (I had 107 to lose) are considered lightweights. You have by far surpassed me in lost weight. At almost 5 months post op (surgery on 6/12/03), I have lost 58 pounds and at this point I average about 6 pounds a month. At this rate, we should both reach our goals by our 1 year anniversary. The loss will slow down because as we lose weight, our bodies don't use as many calories when we exercise or even for our day to day activities. It sounds like you're doing well with your exercise and protein. As long as you're getting in your water, you will lose the weight. Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

November 3, 2003
Your a lightweight, just like me. I lost 48 pounds in the first 2 months (mostly due to nausea and not being able to eat). After that the weight loss slowed down to 10 pounds on month 3 and about 7 pounds per month for the next couple of months. The closer you get to goal, the slower the weight loss will be. Also, you can just about guarantee you will hit a plateau. Mine lasted for about 7 weeks with NO weight loss when I got about 20 pounds from goal. I ended up reaching my goal weight in about 10 to 11 months. You probably will too. Keep exercising and eating about 800 to 1000 calories a day and you'll be fine.
   — Patty H.

November 3, 2003
Again, I'm a lightweight, 5' tall, started at 238. Surgery was 5/29/03. To date I've lost 70 pounds, BUT, there have been months where I've lost nothing. In those months, I have lost inches, so before you let the scale rule you, also take a look at that tape measure. You might be pleasantly surprised. I've no idea now you can lose inches without losing pounds, but you do!
   — lorien

November 3, 2003
Thats the trouble with dates-and-weights and comparisons!! Setting goals can sure set you up for a BIG downer!! We have absolutely NO control physiologically on how much or how fast our bodies will lose!! Gop figure, we sure didn't gain our weight overnight yet we want to lose it that way. Given everything you are doing you WILL lose =)... so sit back and enjoy the wls ride (when you're not working out!) Don't anguish over how much or how fast and most of all DONT compare yourself with ANYONE else!!
   — Denise W.

November 4, 2003
Last month I only lost about 8lbs but at my 3mo appt today, I'd lost 16lbs. I really don't watch the lbs so much as I do the inches. As long as the inches are coming off, I'm perfectly happy.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 4, 2003
Well, 7-14 per month after the first month is normal. So while it is a little slow, there is nothing wrong with you. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will bounce back up.
   — mrsmyranow

November 4, 2003
You're doing a heck of a lot better than me. I had my surgery July 1 so our starting dates are almost the same. I lost 27 the first month, then 10, then 15 and nothing the fourth month yet. I don't think I am a lightweight either with a starting BMI of 48.
   — lindadougherty

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