Why does my nose run after I eat?

Has this happened to anyone else? It's no big deal but it's kinda silly?    — mrsmyranow (posted on November 12, 2003)

November 12, 2003
I read on here before that it is because you are full. I think it is true because I noticed my nose starts to run when I am geting full.
   — Stacie B.

November 12, 2003
Happens to me too. I haven't the slightest idea why. It makes no sense...what does the nose have to do with the stomach? But, it usually means that I'm full!

November 12, 2003
My nose runs when I am too full then I start to sneeze. Funny, but true!!!!!!1
   — Delores S.

November 12, 2003
At seven months out, it's still the first indication that I've eaten enough. I asked my surgeon why, and he said (GROSS ALERT HERE) that as the pouch fills, the mucus that is naturally in there gets displaced by the food and forced up into the throat and nasal passages. Therefore, the runny nose, and eventually the "foamies" spit up if you don't stop eating.
   — Vespa R.

November 12, 2003
I am so glad someone finally asked this question. I thought I was just weird or it was just all a psychological thing. But this happens to me quite often and I also have the sneeze attack going on with it. It is so nice to know I am not alone and not the only weird one out offense to you guys, it just seems kind of funny really.
   — Bonnie C.

November 12, 2003
After 3 1/2 years, my nose STILL runs and I get the hiccups as soon as I am full. I don't know why it happens, but it is a sure-fire indicator that it's time to stop eating :-) My eyes also begin to tear whenever I drink any alcohol at all....that never happened pre-op, and I'd love for someone to explain that one!
   — Diana T.

November 12, 2003
Hey, me too---the runnies and the sneezies! My surgeon said it's another form of dumping, but I don't agree (sorry, Dr. Kamelgard!).
   — Joyce C.

November 12, 2003
Too funny...indication of being too full...I love that. I would get a runny nose all the time pre-op, but I have bad post nasal so I figured the warm foods or the action of chewing was breaking up my fact my hubby would be grossed out by me needing to dab at my nose or blow it while out...but it was so frequent I refused to excuse myself each time...he did recently point out to me that I don't do it my sinuses must be better...or I'm not eating until I'm too! Best wishes. Kim open RNY 7/17/01 282/140/125
   — KimBo36

November 12, 2003
I was an LPN. when we fed a pt whos nose runs esp CLEAR liq sign you may need swollowing eval done . Best advice is talk to your PCP or surgeon asap
   — nola R.

November 12, 2003
Yes! Lately I've been able to eat a bit more and haven't been feeling full. Now I know if my nose gets runny, to stop, I'm done! LOL. I'll ask my dietician too, but it's good to know I'm not alone. Thanks all!
   — mrsmyranow

November 12, 2003
Yes! Lately I've been able to eat a bit more and haven't been feeling full. Now I know if my nose gets runny, to stop, I'm done! LOL. I'll ask my dietician too, but it's good to know I'm not alone. Thanks all!
   — mrsmyranow

November 12, 2003
SO funny as I to have the same problem or not really a problem, it is just a sign that I am full and not to eat anymore. I also have a friend that had WLS and she is the same way, its funny we both will start eating and then both of us have this nose thing going one is so crazy. Goos Luck on everyones journey. LAP RNY DISTAL 02/19/03 412/240/200
   — tonyskid

November 15, 2003
My mother-in-law had the surgery and when she over eats she sneezes...over and over
   — Sarah J.

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