Has anyone gone OFF depo provera post op? What happend to your body?

Ive been on depo for a year and I just got engaged and my fiance wants me to go off of it because after we get married we are planning to have children and we both want my body back to normal. What can I expect when I go off of it?    — sandrac131 (posted on November 18, 2003)

November 18, 2003
Beware what the statistics tell you. I was on Depo for 2 years (without ever having a period). My next shot was supposed to be in October but I missed that because my husband and I wanted to get pregnant and my doctor said it would take 20 month for my cycle to regulate because I had been on Depo for so long. Well, on Valentine's day, I got one of the most violent periods ever, we're talking screaming cramps, headaches, nausea, diaharea (sp?), the works. Well, lo and behold that I was pregnant and had my daughter in November (yes you can have a period like I had and be in the early stages of pregnancy). I didn't know I was pregnant until April because I thought I had 20 months. So, be careful and use someother form of birth control until your body returns to normal and you have at least one period. P.S. After having my daughter, I went back on Depo (I loved that I never had a period), well I bled for 9 months straight, so just know that once you go off a med, you body changes and you may not have the same side effect.
   — Erinn D.

November 18, 2003
The previous poster's experience was very similar to mine - I thought I was the only one! Graphic experience - be aware - I went off of the Depo in October as well (three years ago), and then took the pill for two months to 'regulate' my cycles again since I had not had a period for over 9 years. In February I started bleeding so profusely I had to go to the emergency room - (not to be gross, but you asked)Blood and blood clots were falling out of me so fast I had to stay in the emergency room bathroom until they could hurriedly get me into a room. Come to find out, I was pregnant! They told me at the time that I had miscarried, and so I went home thinking I had lost the baby. I started having morning sickness the next day, and it didn't go away, so I called my OB/BYN. I was still pregnant! She thought that I probably lost a twin. (Twins run in my husband's family - his mother is a twin, and his mother's twin sister had twins.) I hope it doesn't happen again, as I still want another baby, and am currently on the Depo again.
   — raye

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