My surgery is on biggest fear is.....

that when they cut me open I will have something wrong inside and they wont be able to do the surgery...I guess I'm just so excited and want to feel and look better so bad that i'm thinking the worst. Anyone else feel this way? PLEASE HELP....    — Janice C. (posted on January 22, 2004)

January 22, 2004
What you feel is normal. You made a decision, understanding that there could be complications. But you still made that decision to go forward with the surgery. Have faith, pray and think of the wonderful, life changing results that WILL happen. Best of luck. I'll say a pray for you. Amy Perdue
   — Amy P.

January 22, 2004
Hi, I know exactly how you are feeling. I had my surgery 2 wks ago and I felt that way too. I had read one profile of a lady that said, she woke up and found out they hadn't done the surgery because of a liver problem. This was an isolated case and years ago. Your surgery has run blood test and reviewed your records and accessed your general health prior to surgery. Try not to worry, and I will be praying that everything goes well for you. Blessings.
   — Carolyn B.

January 22, 2004
Janice, Don't worry...I felt that way too. I guess we are so excited about beginning our new lives that we are terrified of any possible problem that could arise. I think as obese individuals we learn to live with such dissappointment and just tend to expect it over time; but, things are about to change for you as they did for me and so many of us!! I had my surgery 3/21/03 and have lost 135lbs and am now below my goal!! Congratulations to you and best of luck in your'll be fine :0) Denise 280/143/below goal
   — denisel

January 22, 2004
Don't worry so. That is what all the pre-testing was all about. See you on the "other side". RNY 11/12/03..-40lbs.
   — StarWish624

January 22, 2004
That is normal. All the way up until you wake up knowing full well that you had the surgery, you will always wonder if someone will take your chance away. Take relief in the fact that once you are post-op those feelings will be replaces with the fears of gaining it all back, or somehow the surgery malfunctions. LOL. You do deserve it...keep saying that to yourself. ;) Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 22, 2004
original poster guys are wonderful, I feel a lot better now. You guys have done great, I'm so happy for you and thank you for all the prayers. I will see you on the other side !!!! :)
   — Janice C.

January 22, 2004
I know what you are talking about. After my surgery (7/15/03) when they wheeled me into my room, I was still a little groggy, I asked my husband to take my bandages off just so that I can make sure that they actually did something to me. Of course, that gave him something laugh at for weeks afterwards!
   — Danette C.

January 22, 2004
Oh my gosh! I woke up in the recovery room and had to feel around to make sure they actually did surgery! I really didn't have any pain (which I was prepared for) when I woke up, so I thought something had gone wrong and I didn't have surgery! Judging by the number of responses, I gather it is pretty common and nothing to worry about! Good luck!
   — koogy

January 22, 2004
This is so interesting. Just last night I said to my mom, "I feel so good, I'm not sure he even did anything." I haven't been sick, no dumping, what's wrong with me? LOL I was expecting all of this terrible stuff to happen post-op and it hasn't. I listen to my stomach and when I'm full I stop. Anyway, you'll do just fine. Email me anytime. By the way, I had my surgery (Lap RNY and Gallbladder) on December 15, 2003 and I'm down 33 pounds.
   — Jodie R.

January 23, 2004
My biggest fear was that something would happen to prevent the surgery too. People all around me were sick, so of course I was nervous about that causing a postponment, then the thought of an emergency coming up that would cause me to get bumped, since my surgery was elective. You name, I am sure we have all feared it...LOL Thankfully none of that happened and I had my surgery as planned 1/5/04
   — Tanya C.

January 23, 2004
I remember thinking when they were wheeling me to the recovery room after my LAP RNY--they didn't really do anything, this is all a crock. Then the drugs wore off......AND I KNEW!!! {smile} <br><br> It's amazing what thoughts go through your head before during and after this surgery. If you're ready for surgery and you've done your homework, just hang on for the ride. Do each and everything they tell you to and let yourself heal really well and you'll be just fabulous in no time.
   — Cathy S.

January 23, 2004
[email protected]

January 23, 2004

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