Any one know of doctors that will do a revision from RNY to DS? I'm in Colorado.

I had Open RNY January 1999 - lost 170lbs, gained back 140lbs. Looking for a doctor to do a revison.    — Jo T. (posted on January 26, 2004)

January 26, 2004
There is a yahoo group that deals with revisions from RNY to DS. It is at: <p> Your story is sadly much too common. I personally know several people who experienced the same weight regain two or three years after RNY--just one more reason why I had the DS.The severe calorie restriction of the RNY slows metabolism so much that many people find it very difficult to keep from gaining weight back without excessive exercise and dieting. <p>I have yet to find anyone wanting a DS revised to a RNY. There may be someone out there, but I haven't heard about it yet. Revisions to DS are usually successful from the testimonies I've read online.
   — artistmama

January 26, 2004
Hi Jo! Excellent advice from Brenda, btw! You'll find all sorts of wonderful people over at the Yahoo DS_Revision list. But, let me just caution you to choose a surgeon for this surgery who is highly experienced in doing this specific procedure - from RNY to DS - and make sure it's someone who will give you the TRUE DS, not just a variation thereof. Names of surgeons who come to mind are: Hess, Baltasar, Rabkin, Gagner, Keshishian. Go to there is a tab there for surgeons that will give a listing. Just to warn you - it is worth traveling to find a surgeon who is a leader in this field! For what it's worth - every post-op of this procedure that I know is gleefully thrilled with their post-op quality of life! May you be blessed with the same! dina
   — Dina McBride

January 26, 2004
Great advice from both ladies! I do not know of a Dr in CO, my Dr does them though. Dr Terry Simpson in Phoenix AZ.
   — Stephanie B.

January 26, 2004
My WLS surgeon's group in Colorado is Northern Colorado Surgical Assocaites, P.C. at 1-888-699-6272 or call 1-970-482-6456. Dr. Merlin G. Otteman is my wls docotor. Their docotos come highly recommended. If they don't do this tyoe of surgery ask who they would recommend in Colorado. I'm from Fort Collins, CO., live in Wyoming now. Good luck and take care, God bless.
   — Carol S.

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