I'd like some feedback from those who have started a support group.

How did you do it? What do you do in your group? Guest Speakers? Specific topics? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.    — Gail G. (posted on January 29, 2004)

January 29, 2004
There were several of us in my hometown and surrounding area that went to the same out-of-town surgeon and most of us went to the support group that they have but not everyone...sooo we just decided to get together once a month here in town so we can all stay in touch easier. We started out having people tell "their story" and having speakers but it always ended up with us just sitting around talking about things we need to talk about and getting info from others about things we were going through. We now just meet once a month at the local hospital (free) and have a VERY informal "meeting" We have a good mix of pre-ops, newbies and longer termies so the conversations is usually very interesting for everyone. I give out new recipes every month and anyone is encouraged to give me recipes to share as well. I always have "back-up" questions just in case the conversation lapses(but I have yet to use any)I try to bring something to eat from the recipes that I give out and we have a clothing exchange every couple of months. The members give me donations in the "free will box" to help with the cost of the copies and food and we just have a good time. After we run out of time at the hospital we usually have a "meeting after the meeting", at a local restaurant, and we all just keep talking 'til we realize what time it is and HAVE to go home. Good luck with your group and just remember to HAVE FUN!!!!
   — Deanna_K

January 29, 2004
This question was just asked on 1/26. Scroll down and look at the answers there. A library search may also provide you with more suggestions.
   — Cindy R.

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