i'm 9 days out and a couple of days ago when i had the staples removed....

the doctor told me to go walking the mall for exercise...i went out shopping (i didnt drive)and at night i have the chills and am exausted. this happen to anyone else this early out? BTW I lost 17 pounds...woo hoo    — Janice C. (posted on February 4, 2004)

February 4, 2004
Oh yes. I was week and "wobbly" for at least the first few weeks. But I still went and walked even if I had to rest while I was doing it. You will get stronger. I'm 2 months post op and go to Contours 3-4 times a week. Keep up the good work. May God bless you. Jill
   — Jill S.

February 4, 2004
Please make sure that you are not over doing the walking. Start at a slow pace and please don't over exert yourself. This is all new to your body. Having your water with you and sipping on it while walking will help keep your body hydrated. The shakes and chills are normal. I also experienced them. Your body is trying to adjust to such a major surgery. Make sure you are getting rest and not over doing it. Congratulations on the weight loss. Keep up the good work!! (((hugs)))
   — Suzann G.

February 4, 2004
I had RNY surgery Sept. 2002. Came home on the 5th day. Yes, I had chills off and on, sometimes I was sooo cold, had the oil stove going full blast, and yes, exhausted. I could never have gone out to a mall and walked at only 9 days out. But definitely go up and walked around the house to keep circulation going and avoid blood clots, and just keep limber. If you ca nstand walking a bit, do it. I would think over doing it or pushing it is not a great thing. I walked as soon as the nurses could get me up off the bed in hospital, but we are talking down one hall and back. It felt like a marathon, but I was determined to hela better, not get pneumonia or blood clots. Hope this helps.
   — Jenny_B

February 5, 2004
Good Luck on your weight lose and expected pounds off. Wow you went walking after 9 days - you're a brave one - I was weak for at least 3 weeks. I went for a walk (by myself) after 3 weeks and it was difficult - I did not know if I was hungry, glucuse low or potasium deficient. I suggest if you go walking - do not go alone and keep a protein drink with you and a small water. Each day you will get stronger.
   — Anna M.

February 6, 2004
Hi, I would just add one thing. When I get the coldness and chills it often comes with a fever. you should check your temperature and if it's 101.0 or higher you should call your surgeon. Congratulations on being on the "other side!" Cathy - 12/22/03 surgery - 45lbs lost!
   — catleth

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