Has anyone had soreness/lumpiness on sides of breasts?

Have any of you expereinced lumpiness in your breasts and/or soreness on the sides of your breasts between the breast and arm pit. I was wondering if it was due to hormones and if the surgery causes fluctuations in hormones. I had a mamogram a couple of weeks ago and am going to the doctors for a follow up on Thursday but was wondering if anyone else had similar problems.    — MaryannC (posted on February 12, 2004)

February 11, 2004
I'm not sure if this is it... But it sounds like your milk ducts. It might be wise to call your gyn to check on things... Take Care
   — baybekmbrly

February 12, 2004
I'm having the same problem. It started a few weeks ago under my right arm now it is also under my left. It definitely hurts worse without support of a good bra. I figured with all of the weight loss (almost 100 lbs.) it could be pulling somehow in there. I have got to make a doctor's appointment to get this checked out too. Please let me know what they diagnose this as. I am 10 months out. Please e-mail me back. [email protected] Thanks!
   — Post O.

February 12, 2004
You know, I just had my tummy tuck 3 weeks ago, and that was one thing I noticed. My breasts were tender, even to the touch. I wonder if it has anything to do with the anesthesia? I never connected it to surgery until reading this question, but I noticed it for sure! Hopefully someone will know the real answer.
   — Dawn R.

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