
has anyone experience panic attacks after surgery ive been feeling really sick they giving me wellbutrinis that going to take care of it . im still feeling like this please help .get back to me if you feel or felt the same way.    — yajaira M. (posted on May 20, 2004)

May 20, 2004
Panic attacks are awful! I haven't had any since my surgery, but had a couple of them several years ago during a difficult time. It's great that you've gone to your doctor for help. You didn't say how long you've been on the Wellbutrin. If not long, sometimes it takes awhile for it to work. If it has been awhile, maybe Wellbutrin is not for you. There are many other medications your doctor can prescribe that will help you! Don't give up until you find the right one! Stay in contact with your prescribing doctor and let him/her know how you're doing. Good luck and know that there are lots of people out there who know how you're feeling!
   — Kimberly C.

May 20, 2004
I've had alot of them in my life, and usually have alot after tougher surgeries. One thing you should be aware of is that there are TWO Welbutrins. Before WLS I was taking Welbutrin SR which is TIME RELEASE. After surgery my depression got extremly bad. The SR form was'nt working. So now I take Welbutrin. You may be on the SR form. GET OFF OF IT! Some gastric bypass patients can take the SR, but MOST of us can NOT. Also, with panic attacks you may ALSO need to take Celexa. Personally I've found the Welbutrin to work good for depression and Celexa to work to stop or control panic attacks. Do check into it. Good luck.
   — Danmark

May 20, 2004
Paxil, (1) 10 mg at bedtime does wonders for me.
   — debmi

May 20, 2004
also another thought, look into celexa or lexapro, much better meds
   — J K.

May 20, 2004
Actually Wellbutrin XL is the time released version. Although, after RNY 8/02, my doctor ran out of SR samples so he gave me XL. To my amazement, it worked better than the SR. Yes, I know we cannot make use of the timerelease but whatever it is seems to be a better version for me. Keep looking for the medicine that will help you. Don't settle on feeling OK, good luck in your journey.
   — Angela A.

May 21, 2004
I had a horrid panic attack at about 3 months out. The underlying cause for my anxiety, upped stress levels, muscles behaving weirdly, increase in heart palpitations, increased pulse rate, etc. was a magnesium deficiency. It is hard to get a good reading on magnesium in your system. The serum magnesium test is the more common one run, but does not tend to tell the whole story. The Magnesium RBC is supposed to be a better test, but you cannot have had an injection within two weeks in order to not skew your results. There is also a test done sublingually called the exatest (google for it) that checks for intracellular readings. I am going to be having the latter done soon. Meanwhile, I had to have another injection yesterday because of a recurrence of my symptoms and it is helping me so I know I am on the right track. If you wish to see what I wrote up about my symptoms and some recommended books and links just email me and I will provide that to you. Make sure to label your email so that I know it is coming for this reason. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

May 21, 2004
I agree with Angela - depends on the person. My DH has had WLS, and was started on Wellbutrin SR. The doctor changed him to Wellbutrin XL a couple of months later and he did much better on the XL.
   — koogy

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