What helps severe cellulite on thighs?

I'm 6 mos post-op and down 94lbs. The front of my thighs are huge and look like cottage cheese. It's gross and slaps together when I walk. I don't dare wear shorts in public. I've been exercising them but don't get a chance to walk much. Has anyone found a toning, anti-cellulite cream that works for them? How about specific exercises? Ironically my problem is just in the front to inner thigh area from top to knee.    — boonikki29 (posted on May 31, 2004)

May 31, 2004
Walking will actually turn out to be your best toning in my opinion, at least that's how it's been for the two times I lost major weight (200+ lbs each time). This time I will not be able to get away without surgery, but when I lost 200 lbs at age 34 I do not remember my legs being anything like they are now. I did tons more walking and biking that time as my body was able to. My knees won't take that same degree of exercise any more. They have shrunk quite a bit but are way large compared to my gut since I had my LBL. There may be some other things that help but slapping that skin around walking seems to help a lot for some people.
   — zoedogcbr

May 31, 2004
Is it possible that it is just loose hanging skin? They way you describe it as gross and slaps together makes me wonder if it isn't that. My understanding of the anti-cellutlite cream is that it doesn't work, that it really does not break that fat tissue down. I thought that I had heard or read that it is just a marketeers gimmick to get you to buy it. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

May 31, 2004
I just did a "library" search on the word cellulite on this site. There are a lot of questions regarding this condition and I was right about what I said reference the creams that they try to sell. Do a google search also, but beware there is a lot of inaccurate information on the net, do your research on the subject.
   — ChristineB

May 31, 2004
Cellulite is fat and it will go when you lose more fat in your legs. My thighs did not look huge, but I had a lot of slapping down there which came from excess skin. I recall once sitting down when I had jury duty and the skin slapped together so loud and it sounded like I was passing gas. I closed my eyes and just wanted to dissapear!
   — Lisa N M.

May 31, 2004
Hi Nicole. You have cellulite that is exaggerated by your weight loss. Our skin is held to our muscles and deeper tissues by little spider webs of connective tissue. When fat builds up between these little webs, cellulite shows up. Imagine a quilt. When much of the fat goes away, the little threads remain attached to the skin, and the same thing happens. The skin also hangs, making it worse. If you stand in the mirror and lift the skin upward, you will smooth a lot of it out. This sadly is the only way to make a dramatic difference. Some improvement, especially of the buttocks, can be had by building up the muscles which may lift the skin a bit. Otherwise the LBL can reverse it.
   — DrL

June 1, 2004
I have had cellulite all my life & I was not overweight. I was told by a plastic surgeon, this condition exist in some people & not always related family members. After becoming obese cellulite is the no longer a worry for me. There are no magic creams and even with lipo I'm told it could fail. Massaging the sites daily with a any kind of cream or if you want to spend your money on so-called anti-cellulite will make it "appear" less noticably. Massagaging professionally helps to move the protein in the lymph glands around also, as I notice my cellulite has a less cottage cheese appearance than prior to professional messagaing. Pampering your thighs with sitz baths & a brush, not too hard or frequent helps a lot, and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
   — Anna M.

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