Is Vitron C a good iron to take?

I'm very anemic and switched from carbonyl iron to vitron c at the recommendation of my nutrionist. She says it's because it already has vitamin c included, but I'm just wondering if this absorbs well in RNY'ers. I'm very anemic (probably my fault I'm not good at taking my vitamins), but I'm trying to start a new schedule. I've been anemic for a long time and I'm back to feeling tired and eating ice, so I know things are getting bad.    — Lisa N M. (posted on June 30, 2004)

June 30, 2004
Chlorophall will increase your oxygen level of your blood and imrove your anemia a lot better then any iron pill...try the liquid 2twice a day for a week and youll see.All the best ! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

June 30, 2004
Hi Lisa, Yes, I have been taking Vitron C for 13 months . . . I lost a lot of blood during my RNY and was really anemic. I am doing great now . . . my levels were up in 4 weeks after starting Vitron C. I also felt terrific after a few days on it. It also is not as hard on the sustem as others . . . I love it! Good luck . . . Michele :) RNY 6/6/03 112
   — Michele D.

June 30, 2004
That 'type' was listed on a bariatric doctors board as being 'good'. Also, I would have your B12 checked - the iron and B12 seem to go together somehow. Also, Im not sure if its 'better' BUT - easier to take is the CHEWABLE iron available from Bariatric Advantage. I assume since they specialize in Bariatric vitamins that this iron is also good, It also tastes good. I also noticed that my BM are not discolored like the other Iron so MY thinking is since its chewable MORE of the iron must be being absorbed.
   — star .

July 1, 2004
Vitron C is the one my surgeon's office recommends. The pills are pretty small, most people shouldn't have any trouble getting them down.
   — Celia A.

July 5, 2004
Yes, it is a good one on paper. By that I mean that what worked wonders for me might be a big zero for you. Carbonyl pulled us out of a slump and got us healthy, when the big guns Rx irons didn't do a thing. Each body is a lil different with iron. Watch for gastric distress (as with any iron, though some are more gentle), but it should be a good one. The one we do not want is ferrous SULFATE. You can also take another C with it, just to increase immunity, as an antioxidant. And it's taken with no other vites, minerals or meds, no dairy or caffine, for at least an hour, right?
   — vitalady

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