My primary physcian prescribed 2400 MG Motrin a day for back aches

My primary physcian prescribed 2400 MG Motrin a day for back aches and now my stomach hurts after two days of taking it. What type of problems should I be aware of?    — ravikamor (posted on July 2, 2004)

July 2, 2004
My doctor told me to discontinue the use of naperson (spelling may be wrong) the medicine in Aleeve. Motrin and ibuprofen because he said it causes ulcers. He said to stick with Tylenol
   — Lovett

July 2, 2004
Becky, Your PCP needs to be more aware of what you can have for pain. Ibuprofin (Motrin) and naproxen derivatives can promote bleeding and ulcers in your new stomach. Tylenol or acetominophen are fine -- you will need to take that for pain control. With your loss of weight - you have a chance to have back pain potentially by the shifted skin which may still be around. You may want to check into some specific back exercises which could help strengthen your back or others look into plastic surgery to remove the skin.
   — Susan H.

July 2, 2004
Your better off asking your Doctor for the tylenol and if that is not strong enough, tylenol 3 or vicodin for pain control. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

July 3, 2004
OMG!! 2400 mg for even a normal stomach is WAY too much! Are you sure of the amount? My Dad died of a bleeding ulcer from using a harsh product like that and he wasn't even a wls patient. Beware!
   — ZZ S.

July 3, 2004
I sympathize with your pain and had pain for many years until I learned the benefits of massage therapy. Sometime your doctor can prescribe it for you and insurance will cover it for you. I believed in it so much I recently became a Massage Therapist myself. The medications you are taking are only masking the pain and not curing anything. Massage will actually release the muscle spasms that are causing your pain. This will be a cure, not just a mask as with the medication. You will be happy you did it, I am! Melissa 264/136/155 Below Goal!
   — missysworld

July 3, 2004
Recently due to extreme back pain, I was diagnosed with pleurisy and needed an anti-inflammatory. My doctor gave me prednisone but as a precuation gave me nexium to go with it to protect my stomach. I just finished the prescrition and have no issues that I know of. She said a short treatment as long as something like nexium was given with it shouldn't hurt.
   — Cathy S.

July 3, 2004
you should not be taking any with aspirin in it but if absolutely necessary you can take cytotec to protect your new stomach. ask about switching to tylenol 3 or vicodan instead. this is what i take and have no problems.
   — smmeow

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