Has anyone else developed food sensitivities at 2 years post op?

Hi everyone, My two year anniversary is approaching and I am overall thrilled with everything. The past few months however, I have not been able to eat the things that have taken me this far...namely peanut butter, cheese, milk, some meats, carnation instant breakfast. All of my staples are making me feel awful. Though I rarely vomit, the nausea thing is there pretty badly. I am also experiencing what I think are blood sugar crashes almost everyother day. I almost pass out (start to lose sight and hearing) become nauseated, and feeling like I am on fire, break into a sweat. About fifteen minutes after I have a little bit of sugar, I feel a little better, only a nasty headache. This is so wierd. Has anyone else experienced this? I am getting pretty nervous, and have an appointment with my surgeon coming up shortly, but would love your feed back. Thanks so much, Stacy    — Stacy T. (posted on September 9, 2004)

September 9, 2004
I had the same experience in May (almost two years post-op) and even today had an unexpected dumping episode. I had all my blood work done, convinced I was diabetic or worse, my blood work came back excellent. The doctor suggested it was due to stress, since when we are stressed it changes our body chemistry. At that point I paid a lot of attention to how I was feeling, started journaling again, taking short walks, etc...and sure enough, the sensitivity stopped for the most part. Hope this helps you out!
   — missmollyk

September 9, 2004
If you take this question to the Grad list, you might find that a huge % of us deal with reactive hypoglycemia. Won't show up in tests, but it is so common among us that we talk about it frequently. And it seems to start about 2 yrs out, along with food changes. Here's the link:
   — vitalady

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