Can my gallbladder be going bad?

2months post op here. I've been experiencing sharp pains in the the center of my stomach. My stools have turned black and smell like sewage. Sorry to gross everyone out but could this be my gallbladder? Don't want to call doc just yet. I've figured tons of experience on this sight try here first.    — kristiegarcia (posted on February 18, 2005)

February 18, 2005
AMOS MOD HERE! Call your surgeon IMMEDIATELY! It could be serious! Dont delay, unexplained pain a black tarry stools is nothing to mess with. Please call your surgeon NOW!
   — bob-haller

February 18, 2005
CALL YOUR DOC!!! We never want to put off anything regarding pain, bowels or intestines as a post-op. Too many possible things can go wrong. You never know when it could be serious.
   — mom2jtx3

February 18, 2005
Go to your local ER!!! Black, tarry stools that smell like sewage is a symptom of stomach or intestinal bleeding/hemorrhaging! This isn't something you want to mess around with and it needs to be addressed immediately! If you have developed an ulcer, leak, or some other type of problem, you don't want it getting worse. You definitely want this leaking into the abdomen and setting up peritonitis or something else! Go to the ER immediately. This is a true emergency!!!
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 18, 2005
Here's a link about hematochezia . . . the symptoms you are describing in your post.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 18, 2005
Call the doctor right away -- I had a hematoma from a knicked artery and possible leak. Trust me when I say this is nothing you want to mess around with as it can turn into something extremely serious very quickly. I wound up with an infection that landed me in the hospital for 13 days. Don't try to be a hero and don't pass go to collect 200 dollars -- go straight to the ER or the doctors!!!!
   — Brenda D.

February 18, 2005
I am sorry to echo all the other posts, but please call your doctor. I know it may ease your mind to find others here with the same simptoms, but please understand that no matter what, the way someone else describes something could be totally different than yours but sound the same in type. Pain like that is not normal and coupled with your stool description, none of it is normal. As my surgeon put it, "If anything doesn't feel right call me, If any problems do begin to occur, we want to solve them right away... before they become very serious problems." I don't mean to scare you, just solve it now before it becomes a lot more work to solve! I wish you well. Amber
   — septembergirl73

February 19, 2005
Black stools indicate internal bleeding. I suggest you call the hospital Emergency Room, and let them know you're coming in with this symptom!!! And you're a RECENT surgery patient.
   — Anne S.

February 19, 2005
I understand your reluctance to run to the doc for every little "stool" change. As Posties, we have the weirdest poop on the planet...and it changes from day to day it seems. If you insist on ignoring people's pleas for ER visits, I think there is a home test ($20-$25) to test your poop for blood... check out the drug store. It's called "colo test" or something like that. METHINKS the pain is a BIG FAT warning, however, and the dark color and really strong smell, if it is every time IS a problem.... take the trip to the doc for this one. Best of luck on this journey and I'll be thinking about you and wishing you a solution.
   — Kathy A C.

February 20, 2005
You have to remember you just had major surgery and it is IMPORTANT to pay attention to what is going on with your body (stomach). The first 6 months is very important after this surgery. You can still DIE from complications from this surgery withing the first 6 months. If you are only two months post op you should still be having monthly visits with your surgeon. Call the doctor. Write down everything you are eating and what happens after. This is nothing to fool around with. I have call the doctor for far less problems. If something is happening that has never happen before and we are talking about pain CALL THE DOCTOR.
   — Linda R.

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