I am so scared of this surgery any one else feel this way.

I recieved my surgery date and now im so scared to do it. I am happy im getting it done but scared.    — angelgetnwings (posted on March 12, 2005)

March 12, 2005
i was scared too but u'll be fine, u can email me at [email protected] or i'm wildberry432002 on yahoo IM. cindy
   — cindyberry

March 12, 2005
Hi, my name is Bettyanne. I am scared too! I go for my surgery in just over two weeks and I'm terrified! I just had a beautiful baby girl 6 months ago. I also have a wonderful six year old daughter. I am so scared that if I die or something I'll leave them alone. But, I don't want them to grow up with an overweight mother like I did. I want to be energetic etc. so they will hopefully not develope the same unhealthy patterns that I did. So, in a way I am doing this for them. I also want to be a 'hottie' again. Reading through this site has helped with the fears, and I think if we keep talking and sharing it will help us through it. I know in my heart I will be alright. I am healthy, I've been through two surgeries so I know to take it easy. And actually the mortality rate is quite low on these surgeries. So, I think if you just take it easy and follow all your dr.s advice, you will be fine. Don't wimp out!!! It's ok to be scared! You've worked hard to get your surgery ok'd etc. Don't let your fears change your mind! Just think of how your life is going to change. It's quite exciting really. Maybe we cab keep in touch and help each other with our fears. Cause I'm scared everytime I think about it. BUT I'M GOING TO DO IT! When is your surgery? Where is your surgery? Let me know! Bettyanne JOhnston
   — bettya

March 12, 2005
Don't worry, you will do fine. I was so psyched for this surgery and then got my date and counted down the days. However, the night before surgery I was so petrified that I was all set to back out! If it weren't for my husband reminding me of the hard work and time I put into getting the surgery in the first place I would have backed out. This was at our hotel room 6 hours away from home the night before! I also have a beautiful 20 month old child and a wonderful husband so I thought the same thoughts about leaving them behind. But if you have done all your research and still want to go ahead with this, do it. I am 3 1/2 months out and I have already lost 88 pounds. So relax, it is normal to be scared and thinking the way you are. Personally, it was the best thing I have done for myself because I am a better wife, mother and person! Good luck and best wishes. You will be in my thoughts. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
   — Stephanie W.

March 12, 2005
I was fine until I was at the hospital and got hooked up to the IV. Then I just want to get up and start running and never come back. I had an allergic reation to the anitbiotic and was given benadril, big enough to knock me out. I was laying there (unknow place really) opened my eyes and my youngest daughter was there. She said hi mommy. I said Debbi tell them I chnaged my mind I do not want the operation. She laughef and said you are ok..its over and all is well. I am sooooo happy I had it done - 280 sw/140 cw yahooo!!!!!!
   — Cindy P.

March 12, 2005
Mary, I was nervous too when I got my surgery date but it will pass. Just think of all the good things that will happen because of the surgery, the weight loss, your health increses, your energy level increases, etc. Just think about all the positive things and you will be fine. When is your date? How much weight do you want to lose? Lynn H.
   — lharp66

March 12, 2005
Hi, not much I can say to assuage your terror as it is perfectly normal, BUT within a year to two years afterwards, you'll pretty much feel like you never had anything done. Best of luck to you!
   — rebeccamayhew

March 12, 2005
I was so scared I would NOT have this surgery...Insurance etc etc.....I am 18 months post op. Healthy , happy and at goal.......Best of luck to you...
   — Kathy S.

March 12, 2005
I know I cannot take away your fears. We all nave had them. I am 123 days out and have not fely better in my life. After only 123 days all my illnesses are either gone or nearly gone. so I am telling to do it it will better than you think. And think about hot great you will be after only 123 days. Your quality of life will improve beyond expectations. I'm proud of you. I wish you well and you will be in my prayers and thoughts. Good Luck! Joe
   — napphill

March 12, 2005
Hi Mary,I felt the same way, I know I needed surgery or my life would dwindle but just weeks before I thought over and over, do I really need to do this, I can do it on my own, If you were not scared that would not be normal, I went from 2 years ago not wanting to do it all, totally against it{lack of knowledge} to wanting it so bad and then having to wait, then When I was approved back to the stage of not wanting it again, But 2 weeks ago monday I had my surgery and the feeling of never being hungry, even without seeing the end result I know its worth it, Good luck to you and hope all goes well.
   — iamhappy200

March 12, 2005
I am scheduled for surgery for March 16-just a few days away. This week I had a mini breakdown sobbing on the phone with my sister. I don't know why but all of a sudden I was scared to death. After I got out all my fears I felt better. I am very peaceful now. I don't know if you are at all spiritual but I really think praying helped me. I feel like everything will be allright - different for sure but just fine. I look forward to being healthier.
   — Therese L

March 12, 2005
You are so NORMAL! Anyone in their right mind has some fear before undergoing this surgery, no matter how resolute or how well educated they are beforehand! It is a permanent, life altering event and sometimes people do die. I got a little panicky when we pulled into the hospital garage the day of surgery. To, me, anyone who says they are afraid understands the magnitude and seriousness of when they are about to go through - and you will do just fine!
   — koogy

March 12, 2005
I nearly called off my surgery two weeks prior because of a (damn good) cinnamon roll. I realized that it was more fear of the unknown than anything else. (including a great doughnut)<br>Everyone is fearful, you don't have first hand knowledge of what is going to happen to you during surgery or for the rest of your life. It's normal to be afraid of the unknown. If it gives you any peace, I'm 3.5 years out and feel as if nothing ever happened. And quite hontestly, I started feeling this way @ 3 months out. I wish you the best! Rebecca
   — RebeccaP

March 13, 2005
I can't related with you on this, i was pretty certain of what i wanted, and it took me 2 years before i got it done,and i never felt scare or felt any doubts, I'm almost 6 months out, and feeling great, I wish you luck and please try to look beyond your fear and see if maybe you're not so sure it's the right thing for you. Best luck and hope you do what's best for you.
   — iaheel

March 13, 2005
Hi my name is Darlene and I am 6 months postop and i know how ur feeling my brother died last May before i was to have my surgery and everyone in my family was scared including me he weighed 450 lbs. and we were talking about him getting the surgery. He had various other problems like respiratory distress syndrom, sugar, he was a smoker for 30 years and his skin was yellow for almost a year his doc sent him the results of tests they did saying his liver wasn't functioning properly and needed to make an appt. well he didn't and one day he was in so much pain he went to the er and found out he had to have his gallbladder removed well he had the surgery and automatically was put in icu after surgery and was on a respirator for quite some time and wasn't getting any better so i went to nh to be with him and they couldn't get his oxygen level up enough to take him off the respirator his kidneys failed and had some other problems and i came home because he was doing better and about a week and a half later he died so i was really scared about having the surgery but i knew that i didn't want to die so i made myself realize that this was the best thing for me and my health was alot better than his at the time so i just went and hoped for the best and here i am post op with a weight loss of 80 lbs. and no high blood pressure and best of all i'm alive thanks to this surgery so u just do it and think about the end result. Good luck to u and e-mail me anytime Darlene
   — babyblues62

March 13, 2005
I think it is probably very common to be scared. I have not got a date yet and I am very nervous. I saw an article in a magazine about the surgery and now I am all nervous about it, I am afraid it will happen to me now. In my mind I know the risks to the surgery and it is very unlikely, but there is always a chance. I will be probably be nervous until I get through 3 months at least post-op. lol. Congratulations on your surgery date and try not to be to scared and I hope you have a good support system. Heather T
   — Stormy71

March 13, 2005
Like everyone has said, if you weren't fearful, you wouldn't be normal and I'd say you should postpone surgery! I was scared to have surgery when my boys were 2 & 3 yrs old and thought I'd rather be a fat mom than no mom. So I postponed wls 3 times and saw 2 different surgeons to make sure my mind was set and, more importantly, had the right surgeon doing the job. I think if you have researched the surgery, know you will have to adapt to a new lifestyle of eating, and know your surgeon's stats, you'll be fine. Ask questions and the fear subsides on its own. I finally had a calmness/peacefulness come the morning of surgery. I kept saying to myself that God will get me through this so I'm here for my family, and if he has another plan, then I'm okay because I can't live MO anymore. I'm almost one year out, down 100 lbs, type 1 diabetic and on half of my pre-op insulin regimine, and participating in my young boys'lives, keeping up with their energy at 3 and 4 yrs old and enjoying life with my husband now, and will, hopefully, be here for them in the future. 275/175/150
   — SJWendy

March 16, 2005
Just want to add my experience. I cried so hard the day of surgery, my surgeon asked me if I wanted to change my mind. I knew I couldn't go on the way I felt. Everything went fine and I couldn't be happier with the results. However, I will say, that I knew in my heart if I died, I did the right thing. It is sort of a religious experience for me. It just wasn't my time to go to the other side. If it was, I was willing to accept it. Just my own experience.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 17, 2005
I can identify with you. I am to get a surgry date after meeting with the surgeon next week. After all this waiting, I am now getting apprehensive about having the surgery and have been thinkning very hard......
   — Margie D.

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