I lost 200 lbs from 7/6/1 - had to have bowel obstruction repair done 3/21/5

It was not successful and another had to be done 3/25/5. I am exhausted, still obese and afraid will not lose any more weight. I am 5'9" and weigh 205-210. I cannot get under 200. I was at 190 until bowel trouble. My surgeon said he also did a revision, but I do not feel any differnt than prior to this surgery. Am I nuts? I want to lose more (to 165-160) and do this right this time. Any one else lost a lot, found out orignal surgery was screwed up and still need to lose more? I am frightened of failure again.    — TonjaMokc (posted on April 11, 2005)

April 11, 2005
I would just like to say that losing 200 lbs, half of your body weight is NOT failure. If you never lost another pound, to go from 400+ to 205 lbs is very much success! Your quality of life has to be 100% better. Please count your blessings and do not think of yourself as failed.
   — gerardlovesjoy

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