Wellbutrin Extended Release

I am 3 1/2 years post opt. I have been on Wellbutrin XL 300 mgs daily. I am wondering if this medicine is really helping me or not. I have heard both ways about extended relief meds with us WLS patients. But, if this med is not effective I really need to know. I really don't think it is helping me like it should. One good thing I have no side effects from it although that may be because my body isn't absorbing it all. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, DeJean    — DeJean M. (posted on April 27, 2005)

April 27, 2005
Ask your doc about the IR (immediate release) form. You take it 3x/day and it doesn't have the malabsorption issue. I take the SR form (2x/day), with something acidic, but I take the highest dosage which I guess makes up for any remaining malabsorption. I don't think the XL versions work as well for us.
   — mom2jtx3

April 27, 2005
I also use the Wellbutrin XL 300mg and I think it works fine for me. I am four weeks out, and last week started having trouble swallowing it (got stuck, too big), so I didn't take it for a few days and everyone in my house noticed the difference in my mood and irritability.
   — kalhal

April 27, 2005
I will be 21 months post op May 6th, have taken wellbutrin XL 300 and it works just fine! I tried the SR after surgery because of all the talk here but it didn't work at all for me!!!!!!! We all handle things differently so it is worth a try! Good luck!
   — sunkissed kid

April 27, 2005
Hey DeJean, I am 1 1/2 yrs out and I have been on wellbutrin for a long time...years. Before surgery I was on the xr type and it worked fine, after surgery it didn't realy work for me, so I switched to the 75mg regular release tablets 4x's a day, and that seems to work the best, I guess I get the best absorbtion from it this way. I can really tell a difference in the way I feel. I hope this helps. Lisa lap/rny 10-23-03 340/169/??? -171lbs
   — Lisa H.

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