I've Just Been Diagnosed Anemic Since The Birth Of My Child...

I had RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery in August of 2002 ~ Gave Birth in February of 2005 and have now been diagnosed with Anemia. I managed to stay Anemia-Free until the birth of my child but, KNEW there was "something wrong" immediately after her birth. I'm on Foltrin Supplements three times a day but, it's not helping. The Fatigue is UNBEARABLE!!! Any Suggestions?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 11, 2005)

July 11, 2005
Chlorphyll 100mg 2-3 times a day will bring up your blood levels in no can get it at the heath food store. its liquid or small capsul form.its better then any iron tablet youll ever take. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

July 12, 2005
Hello and i dont know what your going through but my sister is really bad like that and she has just started taking infusions for her iron at the doc. office she has been doing this for almost 3 weeks and some days are good and others are not as bad as before she will have to do this forever unless her doc changes his mind but he is very doubtful and she is extremly tired when she comes back from the doc. after the treatment. Hope this helps or gives you something to ask about with your doc God Bless.
   — evlyn C.

July 12, 2005
Sorry to hear you are anemic. However after the birth of both of my kids I was anemic, and they were born before gastric bypass surgery. Hope you get to feeling better soon :) Shelia
   — Cheetah

July 15, 2005
Anemia is pretty well expected after gastric bypass, but almost guaranteed after pregnancy, and congrats on your baby! There are many irons on the market that can be combined to perhaps get you back on track. The trick is to find the combo that works for you. Iron is alwyas taken with vit C, not with dairy, caffeine, eggs, or whole grains, and not with any vites, medds or minerals. alone together for at least an hour
   — vitalady

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