Constant diarrhea starting at 3 years post-op?

Diarrhea has never been a problem for me. If anything, I always had problems with constipation, but for some reason I have been experiencing loose bowel movements on almost a daily basis now for about two months...especially after eating. I know many say dairy products, fatty foods, and foods containing sugar are known to cause diarrhea, but it still occurs when all of these are eliminated from my diet. What would be causing this sudden change in bowel movements 3 years post-op?    — Kelly M. (posted on August 19, 2005)

August 19, 2005
I think that this is something that you need to have checked out by your family doctor. This is something that you should not fool around with and get self help from other members here because you are talking about a possible malabsorbtion situation. Please make an appointment with your doctor for a check up.
   — ChristineB

August 19, 2005
Is it loose stools or diarrhea, what I mean is is your rear end very sore, like when you have had the flu...or if its not raw and irritated, you are probably secreeting alot of acid, this will look yellow, and smell of acid. Do you take a proton pump inhibitor...prevacid, prilosec...I have the same problems if I dont take my prevacid, many wls patients do have to take this type of medication. I would deffinatly go see your pcp,ASAP and talk to them about this problem, and ask about prevacid, or the possability of your needing to be on an acid reducer. good luck to you I hope this gets better for you.
   — wizz40

August 20, 2005
You shoul dsee your primary MD to rule out infection or other potential problems. Good luck.
   — catleth

August 20, 2005
Go see your doctor. Your diarrhea may not be related to your WLS. Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

August 20, 2005
I agree this is one for the doc's. It could be gall-bladder, liver, colon problems, or irratiable bowel syndrome. Expect lots of tests! and here's hoping it's nothing major!
   — Jenny X.

August 20, 2005
Hi, I went through the same thing and after 2 months of getting all kinds of test it turned out to be IBS. Took some meds for about 1 yr and now I only get the problem when I eat too much of the wrong foods.
   — tammymoll

August 20, 2005
You might need anti biotics. Could be an infection.
   — Danmark

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