I recently lost my Lap-Band and am thinking about having RNY. Has anyone ever heard

of a situation similar to mine? My lap-band slipped and had to be removed, but I've gained half of the weight back that I lost and I'm hoping to have a bypass. Does anyone have any opinions on this matter?    — BonkyLK (posted on September 1, 2005)

September 1, 2005
Yes, certainly have heard of situations such as yours. When you go to consider a revision or a change to another your research......IF after doing that research, RNY is what you think is best, then go for it....My cousin had one and she gained her weight back as do FIFTY percent of all who have it done. I had the DS and I'm quite happy with the record, the amount of weight lost and the great record on few re-gaining comparing it to RNY. You just have to research and pick what is best for you. Good luck
   — T S.

September 1, 2005
To the previous poster: Where's your resource for the assertion that fifty percent of RNY patients gain all their weight back? I think you've overstated your case there just a wee bit.<P>I agree that the original poster should also look into the DS, and that it is the right choice for some over the RNY. However, as a three-year RNY post-op, I'm getting a tad tired of reading posts lately from fresh DS posties (or even pre-ops) who go beyond being confident in their own choice, which is great, to overstating the risks of others' choices (including the risk of regain, as IF there's an ironclad guarantee against regain with the DS or any type of WLS). I'll be genuinely interested in whether the DS keeps its reported better regain stats down the line, for if folks flock to it thinking, "Aha! The cure I've been waiting for, I can eat whatever I want and get/stay thin!," that, of course, won't be any truer in the long run for the DS than it is for the RNY. So hold the cheering, work your own surgery, present the options so people know about them, and then wish people luck with their choices, whatever they are. Enuff already with the "You're doomed, you're all DOOMED!" scenario, please.
   — Suzy C.

September 1, 2005
Suzy, well said!! A person's surgery is only as good as how they work their own tool. You can have the VGB, lap-band, RNY, DS to name a few and as long as you are doing what you should be then you are a success. Everyone is a success in their own way. Each surgery has its own merits.
   — ChristineB

September 1, 2005
Sorry, need to qualify something I said, sometimes there are mechanical failures that are beyond a person's control. So, even if a person is working the program they cannot control weight gain or no loss at all. Lets try to keep in mind that we are not here to 'dis a person's particular choice of surgery, we are here to help one another.
   — ChristineB

September 2, 2005
I have seen MANY bands replaced with RNY and people are doing very well. Not that THEY failed, but the mechanical failure of the band itself (slippage, leaks, etc) ANd they're doing marvelously, even 4-5 years post-op conversion
   — vitalady

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