I think a glossary of sorts could be useful.

With all the non-medical people on here ... many using medical terminology even alot of post-ops may not understand, I was thinking it would be great to have a glossary of sorts that would give a general explanation in laymans terms. There are a number of posts, I would like to answer, in fact one that I did answer, but was unsure of what the person was really asking, because I was unfamiliar with the term. After reading other answers, I started summizing what things meant based on the context. I wonder if others have had the same thoughts.    — Sherrie G. (posted on June 19, 1999)

June 19, 1999
I think we may have discussed this in the chat room once. I think it is a GREAT idea! Let me know if I could be any help to you at all. I know I have gotten real confused from time to time with all the terms. Maybe pass the idea by Eric and he could help you out too! You can Email me if you would like to for any help you may need or whatever! [email protected]
   — anne H.

June 20, 1999
Wonderfull idea. I also get so confused at times I have to lay off for awhile.
   — Jo M.

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