I have e-mailed or posted questions and no one has answered.Where is the support??

If anyone has any info on how Sherie Sloan is doing could you please update the info.I do not want to e-mail her family and ask questions if she has not improved.I would feel just terrible if I said something wrong.Also I have e-mailed a few post ops and have not had any replies.They say email and they will answer and support but this is a bunch of crock.I have had luck in the chat room only.WHERE IS THE SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT???    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 7, 1999)

August 7, 1999
I am sorry no one has responded to your questions! I haven't had the surgery yet but I am here for support! I am hoping to be able to get it done! I am still trying to learn more about it. If you need someone to talk to, I am here! You can email me anytime and I will email you back!
   — Stacy P.

August 7, 1999
I have found this site very helpful. I am only considering this surgery right now, but everybody has been more than supportive to me. It is because of this site and the support of others that I have decided to go forward and try to get everything in line so that I can have it done. I also have found that there are more questions asked than can possibly get answer right away. Hopefully, not too far in the future, I'll be a post op and be able to help others field their questions. I don't know the person that you are speaking of in your question, but hope that you find what you are looking for.
   — [Anonymous]

August 7, 1999
I haven't heard anything about sherie.But if you need someone to talk to please contact me-I'm here to support you!!!! my e-mail:[email protected] WRITE ME AND I'LL DO ALL I CAN! Barb S
   — Barb S.

August 7, 1999
I'm new to this site, but if you are looking for "support" you can e-mail me anytime. I'd be happy to do what I can to encourage you. I probably won't have any answers for you though. I'm just beginning this process myself.
   — Brealynn

August 7, 1999
I received this E-mail from Gina on 7/29: I'm sorry, I have so much email, I don't remember if I answered your question or not. Forgive me. There is no change in Sherie's condition. She remains comatose on life support. Thanks for asking." Gina Finley.
   — Deborah L.

August 7, 1999
Sherie is about the same I just talked to Gina her close friend a few days ago and there is no change. Please feel free to email me and I'll answer what I can...I'm only 3 weeks post op from a VGB...with a few complications ...soI am also learning as I go...but this site has been a life saver for me...without it I would not have known about post-op infections and fevers...even when I contacted the oncall surgeon at my hospital with a temp of 102 they told me to wait till the next day to see if it goes away...I was I posted the question here and within a few hours I got my answer....get to the er now...thank the Lord I did...they kept me for 4 days and te incision line had to be reopened to drain the fluids...a minr setback...but I am seriously worried about Sherie we have so much in common, I have put her on every prayer list I know coast to coast..I believe in miracles...and Sherie needs all of our prayers and me and I'll try to keep you posted...Good Luck !!
   — Mona S.

August 8, 1999
BOY I must be missing something! ... I see and I'm forwarded TONS of questions and in viewing recent posting find TONS of answers ... What important questions are remaining unanswered? People cannot obviously make up an answer, and as I posted earlier, I only respond to what I know the answer to. Many of the posts I see on the board are specific medical questions to that particular individual that need to be asked directly to their doctor. And I respond to that effect frequently. I also, see a lot of questions for info on specific doctors whom I've never heard of and are in areas of the country that I've never been. So obviously I cannot answer those either. I feel badly that people think questions are being ignored ... I wish I knew the answer!
   — Sherrie G.

August 8, 1999
I'm really sorry you feel this way. I find this site a lifesaver. What I find helpful is to click on "See recent postings" on a daily basis...then I get a chance to scan & read all of the answers given publicly. Try it.
   — Laura S.

August 8, 1999
I received this information on Sherie Sloan: I'm afraid there is no change in Sherie's condition. She remains in a deep coma on life support. They do not have much hope for her recovery, but we continue to pray for her! Thank you for asking.
   — Laura H.

August 8, 1999
I would like to apologize for myself and everyone else, I am sure none of us have been blowing you off because everyone is sooooo supportive on this site. I would be more than happy to answer any questions (if I can) or even just chat. Now, I cannot get into the chat room, so you are 1 step ahead of me there. I don't know about the Sherie you asked about, maybe someone else will recognize the name. How long ago was her surgery? Well, take care and please don't feel slighted because I am sure no one intentionally has done that!!!!
   — Rhonda B.

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