Zoloft pills stick in my pouch every time. It hurts!

I've taken Zoloft 2x a day for years, but now that I've had my surgery, about four weeks ago, I'm having trouble with them. They seem to stick in my pouch, and give me a stomach ache. Sometimes I even get dry heaves from it. I've tried breaking them in half, taking it on an empty stomach, a full stomach, even coating the tablet with butter! I crushed one once, but the taste was so horrible I couldn't gag it down. My pharmacist said Zoloft does not come in a liquid form. I'm tired of going through this pain twice a day. What can I do? By the way, I also take Zantac twice a day, and even though they are a larger pill, I have no trouble with them. Help!    — Lynn K. (posted on October 15, 1999)

October 15, 1999
I have problems with it also. It burns bad in my stomach. I take mylanta or eat something with it which really helps. I took zantac for a while thinking that would help, but it did not.
   — Diane N.

October 15, 1999
If it's not a capsule, cut them into small pieces ... You need to talk with your doc if you're getting pills stuck frequently though ... is the zoloft in a capsule shape? Sometimes they get stuck crossways in the opening ... When was your surgery? Could it be you're still swollen inside? Talk to your doc!
   — Sherrie G.

October 18, 1999
Hi, Lynn, Just read your question. Don't know if you know the "secret" of orange juice. It will cover just about any taste. Many in my support group use it to get down their protein powders and I used it to get down the liquid potassium, which is a truely ugly tasting liquid. Wondered if you could crush your Zoloft into the oj and try that? I really hope this will work for you. My surgery was on 5/6/99 and as of 10/1/99 I've lost 70 pounds. What a wonderful miracle in my life!!!! Thinking of you, Linda
   — Linda P.

July 25, 2002
Crush pills into powder and insert powder into capsules. Buy capsules from health food store.
   — Sonya M.

April 8, 2003
Have your dr. prescribe the 50mg pills...very small. I break mine in half.
   — Carol B.

April 9, 2003
Zoloft does come in liquid form. I heard it is nasty tasting if it isn't compounded with flavoring at the pharmacy... good luck. I am preop and on Zoloft as well.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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