I take SAMe for depression. As a very unstable ''drug'' it is enteric coat.

It needs to get to the lower intesteines for effectiveness. Any professionals out there who can give me ideas on what to do about this. I am thinking rectal dosing. Haven't found someone willing to respond. I do not want to go for 4-6 weeks without the SAMe with risk to increased depression after the surgery. I am having surgery this Friday morning....kinda doing this on my own, my ''S/O'' with take me to the hospital, but leave me until it is time to go home again (up to a week). The hospital is 100 miles from home. Thanks for thoughts and ideas...    — Connie H. (posted on November 10, 1999)

November 10, 1999
I take Zoloft for depression, and I had to stop taking it for two or three days right after my surgery, but it wasn't long enough to do me any harm. If you are having RnY, the enteric pills should do fine, since it is your stomach and upper small intestine that are changed, not the lower part of the small intestine. Of course you should ask your surgeon. I brought my pills to the hospital with me, and once they started giving me my pain meds by mouth, I asked if it was ok to start taking my zoloft too. No Problem. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

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