In response to what i want to wear

I want to wear the slinkiest little dress that i can get away with wearing.... Black or Red.... I want to walk into a room and have all the men staring... not because I "have such a pretty face, if she only could lose some weight"... I want them to stare because they think " whose that woman with the hot body"... I am not a shallow person by any means ... It would just be nice for a change not to be laughed at... or made fun of.... as for an activity .... well i want to go dancing all night...i dream of men asking me to dance instead of all my friends... I hope i don't sound too silly.... o.k. someone elses turn.... Resa    — teresa K. (posted on December 29, 1999)

December 29, 1999
Resa, I don't think your wish a bit silly. I have always wanted to be asked to dance. I could dance rings around some of my friends; but, they were asked and I was left holding up the wall. I hope to be able to get on that dance floor in 6 months to a year. I am 59 years old, soon to be 60 and I still can remember the heartaches that happened to me - as far back as 1955 - when rock and roll was first presented to the American teenagers. I loved it and wanted to get out on the dance floor so badly, but in those days, you actually had to have a partner and your peers would have mortified if you went on the floor and danced by yourself or with a group of friends. So, you go girl!
   — Sandy C.

December 29, 1999
Resa, sounds like someone else I know... me... All my best to you.
   — Mary B.

December 29, 1999
Resa I think that it is wonderful! I don't think that it is shallow at all to have goals and dreams. I think that it is great that you can invision yourself that way. My entire life I have been over weight, there was a time when I was 21 that I basically starved myself to lose weight and I did. Which was the worst thing that I could of ever done (I gained back 2x as much) but, just to be thin for those 6 months, I was able to grasp a feeling that I had never had before, it was almost euphoric, I remember one night going into the local night club and being taken away by all of the attention from the guys that I was receiving. It was attention that I had never received before, I honestly didn't know how to handle it. I remember thinking "just be yourself, your entire life you've been told you have a great personality, just use it." I truely do beleive it was the first time in my life that I felt attractive. I've heard through out my life, and I sure anyone who has been over weight has as well, "You have such a beatiful face and such a great personality, if you would lose weight you would be a great catch to a nice young man." I agree with you I don't want just a nice face and a great personality, I want to have slinder legs and small waist. I want to wear that slinky red dress and go out for a night on the town.
   — Kellie Q.

December 30, 1999
Dear Rena, I don't think you're silly, or shallow, or anything except normal. "Skinny" people take the things you mentioned for granted,and have no concept of a life bereft of them. I myself have myriad reasons for wanting this surgery. There are financial reasons (my failure to secure a job, probably due to my weight), familial reasons (two year old son, I would like to ride a bike with him and see him grow up) and reasons some might consider selfish. I am a seamstress and medieval recreationist. I go to Renaissance faires, etc. in 'garb' of my making. I want to make beautiful dresses, off the shoulder, bodices with boning, flouncy gypsy skirts. I want to be able to sew a dress that takes up less than eight yards of velvet. I want a waist to put a belt on. I want to dance a galliard, I want to flirt and then watch their faces fall as my handsome husband comes to claim me. (Six foot two, eyes of blue viking with long blond hair and a smile to die for!) So you tell me if we're silly or just tired of a lifeless life!
   — Jennifer G.

December 30, 1999
Hello Resa, I want to wear a bathing suit and walk on the beach and catch the eye of the Rock, but I am a married woman, I should not be thinking about the Rock. I want to know have you had that dream surgery? I am still working on it, I am 500+ pounds, I wish I was 120.... Good Luck Tesa e-mail me anytime [email protected]
   — Lisa L.

December 30, 1999
Cheryl, what a fabulous idea! Can I play too, even though I am "there"? I've gotten to wear some outfits I've only dreamed of, but it took a LONG time (and a lot of protein supplement, no milk, no sugar, no grazing, no drinking with meals) and a tummy tuck to get here. BUT I've always had the dream outfit, too. Anybody remember the old British Stirling commerical where the redhead rides in on the white horse with the product on a silver tray? I'm a redhead, have always wanted THAT green velvet dress, square (or sweetheart) neckline, rimmed in white lace. Long sleeves, with lacy fingertip ends, form fitting bodice, and CLEAVAGE! I got a handsome knight of my own and I'll be fine substituting a black & white cat with an attitude for the horse. But can one of you imaginative seamstresses whip me one up in a size 3 or 5? Please? I'll swap you some protein....?
   — vitalady

January 2, 2000
Well, Resa, it seems ALL I do is dream about what I want to wear in the future. My goal is pretty basic: a pair of Levi button-fly 501 jeans with my cute little blouse TUCKED IN!! If I can wear that and look the way I dream of looking then I can wear ANYTHING else after that. I could get a pair now but my fat would bulge on the sides and my tummy would push the buttons out until they scream for mercy. So, until then, I will hold on to my dream. Thanks for coming up with such a great way for all of us to share with each other. Lisa :o)
   — Talullah

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