How can I get surgery?

Hello my name is Betty and I'm new here. I'm 5'3" and weigh 230 pounds. I have an appointment next week with my PCP to talk with him about having the surgery. I have read most of the post here and you are all wonderful people. I was in the ER Wednesday with chest pains. Dr. kept me over night. Ran soooooo many test, but nothing wrong with my heart. Thank goodness. They think it is more problems with my Hiatal Hernia. I think it is this along with stress caused from being so fat. Maybe the trip to the ER will help me when I talk with him next Friday. I have insurance with Aetna HMO. I have to get my PCP to refer me to the Doctor I want because he is out of network. Dr. Champion here in Atlanta Ga. is who I wish to see. He did answer my email and said I would be a good candidate for the RYN surgery. Anyway I hope everything goes well for me next Friday and I can get started on making plans for a new me. Happy New Year to everyone and may all of our wishes and dreams come true.    — Betty H. (posted on January 1, 2000)

January 1, 2000
Hi Betty, Welcome to the web-site. I hope that we can answer any questions that you might have while going through this whole process. I too was admitted to the hospital with chest pain while going through the approval process. thank g-d like yourself there was no heart problems but, I do believe that it helped with the appproval. Also the more support you have from your PCP will be very helpful. Good luck and if there is anything that I can help you with feel free to e-mail me @ [email protected]
   — Jodie R.

January 1, 2000
Hi Betty, First,let me say welcome to the best support group you will find! Second, I agree with Jodie, that you may want to just postpone your surgery, by telling a little white lie, that you have a family emergency or something, and see how your weight loss goes, or if you can maintain the weight you have lost. As everyone else on this site, I have tried every diet, and was most sucessful on Weight Watchers, I joined WW in Jan 95 weighing 273, by july i had lost 73 lbs, I felt great, we went on vacation and i spurlged for a couple of weeks, and thought i would get right back on track, well when I went back, I couldnt seem to lose another lb. So i gave up started back the following Jan and maybe lost another few lbs. but never could get down any lower than 200. Now I have tried Dr. Atkins, lost 19 lbs in 2 weeks, gained it back plus friends, and now I am back up to 250, I am awaiting insurance approval, and told myself I would try to lose at least 15 lbs by surgery date,(if i get approved) but it seems impossible. The choice to have this surgery is a agonizing one, that I feel is my last choice for a normal life. Even if you put off your surgery for just a couple of months, it should give you some insight on if you are going to be able to lose that last 70 or not, Also, how many diets have you been on in the past and did you regain or maintain your weight loss? Well I am sorry this is so long, but just wanted to give my .02 worth. Good luck with your decision. Linda Collins
   — Linda C.

January 2, 2000
Hi Betty, Just wanted to wish you good luck. I have Aetna US Healthcare HMO. I used a Philadelphia doctor who was in network. My surgery was approved in three days. Keep us posted on your progress. Marjie Wassermann 12/9/99 -23.5 as of 2 weeks post op
   — Marjie W.

January 2, 2000
Hey Betty: After reading your Bio, I see you are much like me in terms of # of pounds to lose. Also, I have an HMO--CIGNA which I didn't think would approve me either. I have arthritis as my biggest co-morbity. Late on-set diabetes is in our family. No heart disease (everyone gets cancer first). Anyway, I was referred by my PCP. In fact, she was the one who first suggested surgery to me. I am the first patient she has ever referred. I had to go to the surgeon she referred me to with no other choices. After I researched as much as I could about him, I felt very good about the surgery. I never had a fight with insurance and to date, have only paid $100 out of pocket. (My surgery was 9/22/99). I am saying all this to give you hope. My surgeon did say that my weight was borderline--but due to the arthritis and the fact my PCP felt it would be helpful, he okayed. I had LAP RNY and feel so fortunate to have not had any complications yet. I would do it again in a minute. I have lost approx. 56 lbs. and it hasn't been as hard as dieting was. It is not easy--don't get me wrong, but certainly has been worth it to me. Be sure to be prepared with a diet history for your PCP. Mine was not even very specific, but general dates, the programs, and the amount you lost and re-gained. My best wishes to you in your decision process. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

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