PCP gives go ahead

As some of you know I have been worried my PCP would not agree with me about WLS. Well, thanks to all of you who helped me gather info. I went to his office today and he was very impressed and very supportive. Now the next step is to see the surgeon. Dr Champion is NOT the only Dr. in Atlanta (as I was told by his office) that does the Lap RNY. So I have to see a participating Doctor with Aetna. My PCP made me feel even better. He wants me to use someone close to this area so he can stay informed and be involved. Be the quarterback as he called it. I trust him to find the right Doctor/Surgeon for me. He is wonderful. THIS IS A WONDERFUL DAY :-)    — Betty H. (posted on January 7, 2000)

January 7, 2000
Congratulations! I felt the same way when my PCP became supportive; I would not have proceeded with WLS without his blessing. At first, he was opposed ... then he accepted about two pounds of printed information from me regarding WLS, and it wasn't long before I received a letter from him stating the surgery appeared to be a reasonable choice since BMI over 40 was dangerous, and he hadn't seen prescriptions or diets to be successful weightloss methods. He sent a copy of the letter to my surgeon and psychiatrist (who also switched from suggesting 'Slim Fast' as a cure to being supportive of WLS ... my printer was some busy that month!). Isn't it terrific to have a medical professional (other than surgeon) supportive of WLS? I hope everything gets approved for you as it should. Cindy
   — Cynthia B.

January 7, 2000
Glad it worked out well for you Betty, let me know when you get a surgeon, and a date.
   — C S.

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