My surgery is scheduled for 1-21-00. Does anyone have any last words of advice?

Anything that you wish you would have done before your surgery? Thanks.    — Shelly T. (posted on January 13, 2000)

January 13, 2000
Hi Shelly: Spend time with people you care about and who care about you. Do the things you enjoy the most, that you may not be able to do for a while after surgery. Relax. Don't get caught up in the 'only 7 more days' thing, trying to accomplish things like spring housecleaning and the like. Take time for YOU. Good luck with your surgery. Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, 88 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

January 13, 2000
I enjoyed eating before I had my surgery in October1 :-) I ate lots of big meals, that I knew I would never do again, and I loved it! I did forget to measure every part of myself before the surgery... I did get some pictures of me the morning of surgery, actaully when I was in the hospital gown... may sound strange but I wanted them so I could always remember that day. Be with your loved ones, enjoy what you love to do, make a journal of your feelings... this I did and I am very glad, There were days I wondered why??? and I would look back and read my thoughts and feeling leading up to this surgery, and then I would remember and know what I have done was the one and only right thing for me :-) keep that journal and write in it as often as you can too! keep one picture you hate, cause in about four or five weeks after the surgery you will love this picture you use to hate... cause when you look at it and then see the results... WOW! then it really sinks in that this weight loss is really happening :-) best of luck and best wishes! if you have any other questions... please email me!
   — Jamie T.

January 13, 2000
Jamie and Ava Lee gave excellent suggestions, too. (Ava Lee, you make me blush!) Eat what you love! I would have never thought that I wouldn't be able to eat a breakfast casserole at Cracker Barrel again. There's something about the egg-bread combination that makes me sick every time. (I mean SICK) However, I can now eat beef in any way, shape, or form. I don't have much of a taste for it, though. Go figure! Jaye Carl, sitting on yet another plateau, waiting to have lost more than 88 pounds. Soon my BMI will indicate that I'm merely 'severely overweight' rather than morbidly obese!
   — Jaye C.

January 14, 2000
I have my first appointment with Dr. Barba in Connecticut on 2/29/00 (leap year... let's take the leap). I think that before my surgery I will enjoy filet mignon on the grill and baked stuffed lobster. Then I want a massage and a visit to my chiropractor just before I go for the surgery. I have awhile before I can even think about it, but this is a great question.
   — Aurele K.

January 14, 2000
Way to go!! I'm post-op 17 months and never been happier. I've lost over 200 pounds!! Be sure you get in lots of is essential to healthy hair, etc. Hope all goes well....
   — Robin W.

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