Surgery is set for 4/14/00, any last minute suggestions?

I'm going into the hospital on 4/14/00 for my RNY. Does anyone have any last minute tips...what to take with you and what to leave at home? Things to expect and not fear...etc? Any suggestions would be great! God bless you and keep you.    — Terra B. (posted on April 12, 2000)

April 12, 2000
Terra, there have been a lot of good lists posted here for things to take. I followed one particularly thorough list, and never ended up using most of the things I brought! What I did use, and was grateful for, were comfy slip-on shoes for walking the halls, lip-balm, and a nice scented lotion. All the books, tapes, pajamas, stuff... all stayed in my bag.
   — Kim H.

April 12, 2000
Terra, I'm with Kim... a tip for after you get home, though... I used a back pack to keep my water bottle in, and a pair of tongs to reach things that were too far for me, yet. The bag will fill up as hindsight sets in, trust me. <smile>
   — lisadiehl

April 12, 2000
Hi Terra: Be prepared for the pain. The comment I hear most often is "I wasn't prepared to be in so much pain". Use those pain meds! And, remember, it doesn't last. Each day will get better. I took my back scratcher. Many people who use morphine for pain get the itchies, and a back scratcher can double for reaching things. Good luck with your surgery! Jaye Carl, RN, open proximal RNY (divided) 7-29-99, 102 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

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