Would like to know of any special prep. you did before surgery?

I have a week to go, I am going in on the 24th, I would like to know if any one has done any thing special to prepare for the surgery? Any special diets or any thing? I know that alot of you have post-op diets would also like to have some good reciepes if any one has any to share. I would also like to say thank you to everyone that has posted on this site. YOU ARE ALL MY INSPIRATION! Thanks AnnMarie Ward [email protected]    — AnnMarie W. (posted on April 17, 2000)

April 17, 2000
I agree with the walking- I did it and it helped me. Also, start deep breathing exercises. Breathe in as deep as you can slowly and hold it for a count of ten, then exhale slowly- repeat 20 times (or build up to 20 times). Do this 5-10 times a day- they will have you breathing in the hospital to prevent pneumonia, so doing this ahead of time will really help you. My surgeon gave me a tube that measured my air intake a week early to practice and build it up before surgery. Also, I was told by a surgeon in the chat room to increase your protein before surgery to aid in your healing immediatly afterward since your diet is restricted. Seemed to help me too!! Best of luck!
   — M B.

April 17, 2000
I am three days away from (laparoscopic) surgery. The only things they have required of me pre op is blood work, drink a bottle of mag citrate at 4pm the day before surgery and bathe with hibiclense the night before and the morning of surgery...thats it. Of course nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to surgery.
   — Becky R.

April 17, 2000
AnnMarie I am having surgery the same day as you are. I am very interested in looking at the answers to your questions. They will be helpful to me also. Good luck with your surgery and keep me informed.
   — Tony H.

June 16, 2000
Yippee!! Good for you!! My surgery is scheduled for 6/22 and I can't wait. I have prepared myself by having the clear broths, jell-o, sugar-free popsycles the kind of things I learned from out Post-Op folks here on the web. I have also talked with a dietician who has given me some points. I'm so excited, I already have my bag packed. Make sure you take a robe and slippers with you, so you can start walking asap!! God Bless you, see you down the road!!
   — Teresa O.

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