Will I be denied because of an Abnormal Liver Function test? Can I get surgery while

I have always had a slightly high Alkaline/Phosphatase(SP) level when I have my bloods drawn. As a matter of fact, I was turned down for a job because of this on my the time I was 25. My regular doctor never comments on this, but from reading other posts, I wonder if this will be a problem. According to the job denial I got 19 years ago, High Alk/Phos levels indicate an abnormal Liver function.. My niece, 18, gets a similar reading on hers. Is this something I should worry about?? Plus....anyone have their periods during surgery. Mine is scheduled for the week before I am due, but it may be rescheduled due to Insurance delays, and that would make it while I am do I deal with that?    — Carole C. (posted on May 15, 2000)

May 15, 2000
Hi there, I'm not sure about your liver function with the alkaline stuff my liver function was abnormal too but it was fatty tissue in the liver which when I lost weight that went away with the weight. and that was one of the reasons they approved me for the wls as far as menstration you will get your period after the surgery any way it happens with most of us so don't worry about it ok you should be fine. Hope this helps
   — Ann F.

May 16, 2000
Hi, I also had high liver readings. Finally found out I had a stone stuck in my biloe duct. I also had my period during surgery. It was no problem just gross.
   — Kelly W.

August 24, 2004
I too have had an abnormal liver panel for the past couple of years. When I discussed this with the surgeon, he suggested it could be a result of being overweight. My PCP never seems to be concerned with it either, says that some people simply have higher levels than others, as long as it is stable -- not going up. I do not about your other question concerning having your period during surgery, regardless, you will get your period within 3 days of surgery anyhow -- so I do not think that it would matter too much.
   — Kim B.

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