Can anyone recommend good exercise videos/equipment for toning/weight loss?

Ive lost about 2/3 of my excess weight and it has left me flabby. I want to start exercising but would like to avoid joining a gym as I dont seem to remain motivated to keep going to such places. Instead I would like to invest in exercise videos and equipment which build muscle and aid in my losing these last pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions on something that has worked for them?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 11, 2000)

July 12, 2000
There are many, many suggestions already in the database of this site. You might want to check there as there are also a thousand answers to so many other frequently asked questions. Just to reiterate, my own personal preference is for a book called The Ultimate Fit or Fat by Covert Bailey 1999 and Stop the Insanity by Susan Powter. Both of these books have superb fitness information in them and practical, common sense information. Ultimately, the best exercise is what you will do consistently and must be aerobic and also build up some muscle tissue.
   — Fran B.

July 12, 2000
Hello! and Congratulations on losing weight. Why have you waited to now to start exercising and getting tone. I am 2 months post-op and having been exercising and getting tone. What you need to do is get you some weights you need at least from 3-5lbs, this is good for just starting out with weights(You will increase size as you go along). You can also do some tae-bao to get a good cardio workout and work all the muscles at one time. Their are tapes available that you can do at home with weights. Also you need to get a stepper one that comes with a videotape and a treadmill. I wish you luck and God Bless.
   — [Anonymous]

July 12, 2000
I would suggest buying a pair of in-line skates (rollerblades). I do this around my neighborhood (low traffic) and at the rink. You could get some at Sport Authority or Sport Mart. They are around the $100-$200 range but are well worth it. I started pretty soon after my operation and I have stuck with it. It's also a reason to get me out of the house. Sometimes exercise videos are a little boring. But only you know what you like. So, good luck in your efforts and congrats on losing 2/3 of your excess weight.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 27, 2002
Try THE FIRM workout tapes. They work you combine weight training with cardio. You tone muscle and lose fat all at once! Time Life sells them. My favorite tape is Volume 3.
   — Elizabeth C.

October 21, 2002
Nobody likes to excercise, especially people like us, former fatties. I lost 140 lbs. since my wls which was on 3/5/2000 , I started out 268, and am now 128lbs. OH MY GOD!! I say IT BUT I STILL DON'T BELIEVE it. Anyway, I still hate to excercise. But, I do love to dance, so I joined Jazzercise, it's just so much fun! You, don't have to join with anybody. You don't need special clothes. Just 45 minutes of fun, loud music that you don't even have to follow along too closely. It is just so much fun and before you realize it - You are a former fattie- Now you are really able to do an exercise tape without being so winded that you are discouraged. I've bought every tape known to man and I'd suggest the new one out now which in my opinion is the best and most encouraging and the best workout I've ever had "Slim in Six" You can order the tapes on line at I think it's $89 total or you can pay $29 @ month. I'm not even related to them just a happy consumer. Unusual huh? Good Luck
   — Nilvia R.

March 27, 2005
I have to recommend The Firm tapes. They guarantee results in nine workouts and believe me, they work you enough to get there. I have to say that they do kick your butt and it may take you a time or two to get comfortable with the choreography, but when you do... it is a workout and a half. It combines cardio and toning.
   — CourtneyP22

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