Testing before surgery

If you have SEVERE sleep apnea will the surgeon do WLS on you before he does on someone that doesn't have it?    — Lorraine L. (posted on October 28, 2000)

October 28, 2000
I have severe sleep apnea and I can not wear the mask. My doctor said I should wear it. My post op date is Nov 15. I know several people that I work with and they had sleep Apnea and the same doc that done their surgery is going to do mine. After you loose the weight the sleep apnea goes away. I can not wait. Do you wear the cpap?
   — Jeannie M.

October 28, 2000
My husband and I both have severe sleep apnea. We both wear masks and look like aliens together. The trick is to not get tangled! I am scheduled for surgery in 9 days. They take special precautions for people with sleep apnea. It is one of your major comorbidities that will be used for insurance approval. Your sleep apnea will get better after surgery. I have seen amazing results on friends who are post-op. If you have trouble with the mask, have you tried the air pillows? My husband uses them as the mask bothers him terribly. I can't sleep without mine although it is a real pain to get used to and usually floats over my face and hums by morning! Good luck on your journey!
   — mrs.qtip

October 28, 2000
Lorraine- Sleep apnea is one of the reasons your surgeon SHOULD operate:) The only hang up is that they want the cpap machine in the hospital for you to use- at least that is what my surgeon and anesthesiologist wanted. As long as they know you have it, they can operate safely. Good Luck! After surgery- you will be cured!!! It took 6 weeks post op for me to be apnea-free.
   — M B.

October 28, 2000
My husband and I both had apnea, too. Yep, his 'n hers CPAP machines. His was the sleek black model with the remote. Mine was the industrial stength ulgy one! I was severe, but it didn't push me to the head of the line over anyone else with their comorbs. And yes, our CPAPs are collecting dust in storage, and have for years now. We each brought our own CPAPs to the hosptial, since they were calibrated for us and we had comfy masks.
   — vitalady

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