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Someone please tell me if any of you post-op people were given something to relax prior going into surgery. I go in on 12-5-00 for Open RNY Distal.......please let me know    — Denise K. (posted on November 30, 2000)

November 29, 2000
I had xanax prescribed for me a couple of weeks prior to surgery. As soon as I got to the hospital, they gave me something through my iv. Your pcp or surgeon should be able to help you with this rx. What you're feeling is wishes for a speedy surgery and complication free recovery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 29, 2000
I was very nervous when I went into the hospital and thought I would have to be given something for my nerves. I am happy to say that I was put under so fast there was no need, so unless your absolutely ready to faint or have an anxiety attack, I would just practice breathing and meditating, and you will be under in no time. Good luck and don't worry, you'll do fine.
   — christine L.

November 30, 2000
Before my surgery I was very quiet and tense. I actually cried in the shower that morning and mentally said "good-bye" to the important people in my life. I knew that I had done all that was possible to ensure a good outcome but I also knew that the unexpected dwells in all our lives. When I got to BTC I was met by the nurse who handled my pre-op preparations. I was so nervous that her name didn't register with me, but she was marvelous. She had such a caring, calming personality that I just relaxed and let myself be carried along through the process. The anestheologist started my IV and my surgeon came in and spoke with me. But I don't remember anything after that until I awoke in my room that afternoon. I am sure the thing that helped me most was the nurse who was with me in pre-op. I am very grateful for her reassuring presence.
   — Nanette T.

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