Can a fatty liver cause problems with surgery?

someone posted a question about a fatty liver. i have been approved for surgery, but does having a "fatty liver" cause problems with the surgery? will they not want to do the sugery???    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 28, 2001)

February 28, 2001
I had RNY surgery done Laporscopicly. Because they found I had a fatty liver when they got in there... my surgery lasted 6 1/2 hours instead of 3 hours. Everything came out ok and I am 6 weeks post op and have lost 40 pounds. I was told that had I dieted for the week before surgery, the liver would not have been as fatty. Good Luck.
   — marlene R.

March 5, 2001
While discussing laproscopic option with my surgeon, he advised losing at least 5 lbs prior to surgery because liver is first to lose weight. This in turn would make it easier for him to manuever his laproscopic instruments if the liver were lighter. However, if he got in there and found the liver too large, he would have to convert to open.
   — danirat

November 2, 2003
My doctor has me on a 3 week diet to reduce fatty liver. He does this with all his patients as a precaution. I am 9 days into the diet and doing very well. I seem to always be full since it is a high protein NO carbs diet.
   — CShore

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