what about all these people postop from 15 to 20 years.

Why are the gaining their weight back?    — Trish H. (posted on May 3, 2001)

May 3, 2001
Not all long term post ops regain their weight. My aunt had gastroplasty over 20 years ago. She continues to maintain her 150 pound weight loss all these years. She has been a role model for me through this journey! Her blazing the trail made my family very accepting of my decision to have surgery. Not one negative comment from the entire extended family!
   — BethVBG

May 3, 2001
My best friend is 17 years post op and has maintained her weightloss.....The WLS done years & years ago...are different than what is now being done....The only thing I can suggest is research!! Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

May 3, 2001
Check out the web site for There are some long term ,up to 21 years, research articles sited there. You might find that interesting.
   — [Anonymous]

July 23, 2002
I just want to remind everyone of one thing and why we are here to begin with: "This surgery is not a cure. It is merely a tool." Surely you have heard this at some point in time. There is a point in your postop time where you reach a crossroad. There is a streetsign that says "Twinkietown ~> and <~Healthy .Hopefully the time that you had when your body forced you to eat properly you learned something, instead of caving in and eating the way you once did when you were once fat. It's a choice. If you choose Healthy, you won't gain the weight back. Simple as that.
   — Laura H.

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