Should I be concerned about not getting my protein in?

Am I doing something wrong?Hi, I am 7 weeks post-op (open) and I have lost an average of 8-9 pounds per week. I have lost a total of 60 pounds so far, I weighed today and lost 3 pounds since last week. I recently went back to work, and also started a part time job along with my full time job at which I am very busy, and fast paced. I am really wanting to know, since I went back to work, I have a hard time eating...I am never hungry...I thought i would have a 8 or 9 pound loss this week, but it was only 3, I was a little disapointed. I know I am not getting enough protein in, could that slow down weight loss? Is my mucsle building up maybe since I went back to work and causing less weight loss? I am just curious. I know I have not exercised as much since I went back to work cuz I have been so tired, but I have been extremely active at work. Eating more protein, will that help the weight loss? Thank You.    — Valerie D. (posted on May 9, 2001)

May 9, 2001
Yes, by all means be concerned... You can expect a great deal of hairloss in a few months starting very soon and slowed weightloss, not to mention your energy level, if you don't get in the proper protein amounts.. Also your overall diminished nourishment affects many other body functions.. If you're not a good eater right now supplement with a good tasting protein drink or shake... this is very easy to do at work if you have access to water and ice.. I use Problend55 I mix one scoop to 6 oz of water shake up then add ice then shake and drink it's that easy and gives me 27.5 grams of protein per drink.. How much protein you need depends on how much you're bypassed.
   — Victoria B.

May 9, 2001
Yes, getting in your protein will have a great effect on weightloss. If you don't get enough your body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to everything it has. As long as your getting the proper ammount of protein the body thinks that it is being well nourished so it let's go and you lose weight. Plus your energy level will go up, you won't feel so tired and drug out. Hope this helps you out. Good luck.
   — Lisa B.

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