Should I invest money in having a tummy tuck, thigh lift, etc.

Im 5'6" and currently weigh 175 lbs (should reach my goal of 150-155 lbs by summer). I am thrilled with the success of the surgery. However looking in the mirror its obvious that years of carrying around 300+ lbs has taken its toll. I see a lot of postings on here of people having plastic surgery done and Im wondering if its for medical reasons (to find relief from rashes) or solely cosmetic. Financially speaking, I can afford to have the excess skin removed from my stomach and legs but Im wondering if I should. I look at myself and think if it wasnt my stomach and legs, it would be my saggy breasts or butt. Part of me wants to be able to wear a bathing suit or shorts with confidence and the other part worries that I might trade in the loose skin for horrible scars or something even worse. I really am undecided on this. My physical appearance is more of a concern for me because Im still single and continue to face the dating scene. On the other hand, Ive seen some pictures of other postops and my skin, though clearly noticable, isnt as severe nor does it cause rashes etc. Id like to hear from anyone who can offer some advice or share their experience.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 1, 2001)

June 1, 2001
Like you, I am at 175 now. I have noticed some sagging in my waistline and thighs, but it really isn't enough for me to run to the nearest plastic surgeon. I'm adopting a wait-and-see attitude. When I reach my goal (which should be this summer as well), I'll give myself a few months to see what, if any, skin bounces back. In fact, the skin at my tummy actually visually tightened this week! <p> You seem to want the total body makeover...perhaps you could just isolate one area, have the surgery and see if it was worth it? Good luck and great loss!
   — Allie B.

June 2, 2001
More than likely, if you have to ask, then it is not urgent. For some of us, whether it is for cosmetic reasons or health (mental health is just as important), there has never been a doubt as to if it needs done. Just the when is the question. I have a huge mess of skin and after losing 165 pounds and sitting here at the same weight for the last 9 months, I am ready to move on and get to looking "normal".
   — S S.

June 2, 2001
I had a tummy tuck and breast reduction after I lost 100 lbs on phen/fen. and I can tell you if you go to a good plastic surgeon the scars will fade away a barely be noticible. When I had my mammogram done this year the technician said she couldn't even tell I had a breast reduction. I recommend you get the surgery and loose the extra skin. Even when I did gain the weight back after phen/fen I still looked thinner because the skin wasn't so loose. I just had the lap gastric bypass done 5/22 and I'm hoping my skin won't hang because of my previous tummy tuck.
   — Laura R.

June 2, 2001
I love the way you ask the question. You may want to wait and see how your shin responds once you are at your goal weight . So much depends on your skins natural elasticity and your age. I f you have those things in your favor you may be satisfied with your body the way it is. Exercise will help you build muscle and tone to some extent. Wouldn't it be wonderful to avoid another surgery. Good question but one only you can really answer. Good luck, may the lawa of gravity be with you!
   — [Anonymous]

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